So I was inspired by Sarah Hall's post to actually inform you with what is going on with my life lately.
I get tired of saying it, but life is pretty damn good. I'm in school, in my second semester of my MBA program at GA State and I decided to take three classes instead of two like I did last semester. I'm taking Strategic Business Communication, Business Law and Ethics, and Managing in a Global Economy. I have a ton of group projects and presentations, but I'm working with some really sharp people. That makes things a lot easier. It's keeping me VERY busy, but in a good way.
Work is going okay. I love the direction I'm going, I'm just not the happiest where I am. It's giving me the chance to focus on school and to get some paper experience, but it's not the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. It has its purpose, and I'm just using it for that right now. But if I wasn't in school, I'd be looking for a bigger challenge from my job.
Things with Zach and I are wonderful. I couldn't ask for anything more. The puppies are great, the house is great, everything is great.
My life is pretty much school and work and taking care of the house in the little time I have. Zach's sister is coming down with her boyfriend to visit over President's Day which should be nice. We're also going to Vegas in March for my father-in-law's 50th birthday. Should be a great time. My one year wedding anniversary isn't that far away..that just blows my mind.
I'm having Lumpy taken out on Monday. Its a cyst I've had in my back since I was a teenager. It's finally pissing me off enough to have it taken out. So anyone who has ever known Lumpy, say goodbye because he is peacing the spork out on Monday.
That's all I can think of. About time to head to class and then if I don't get some calamari from Maggianos from Zach when I get home from class..I'm sending him back there to get me some at 10 at night. :D