Title: Headmess
Rating: nc17
Fandom: Silent Hill movie verse
Disclaimer: All characters, recognizable settings and or themes belong to Roger Avery, Christophe Gans, Konami, and others. I am in no way earning money or other profit from this fanfic.
Char/Pair: Cybil Bennett/Rose Dasilva
Prompt: Peace and War @
10liliesSpoilers: None, AU
Warnings: Dubious consent
W/C: 811
A/N: Hello fic I completely forgot I started writing, let me finish you. Also, I just learned about importing at the AO3, so I'll be moving everything there and linking to it from now on (starting with this fic). Dreamwidth (and Insanejournal) will remain open, but most likely I won't be posting there anymore.
@ AO3