Title: Urs-A-Ka-Gan
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural/Dark Tower
Disclaimer: All Supernatural characters, recognizable settings and or themes belong to Eric Kripke, the CW, and others. All The Dark Tower characters, recognizable settings and or themes belong to Stephen King. I am in no way earning money or other profit from this fanfic.
Char/Pair: Sam/Dean, others
Prompt: None.
Spoilers: None. Set during season 3 of Supernatural but refers to nothing after Sin City
Warnings: Wincest, language, violence
W/C: 15,005
A/N: See notes.
estarmuerta By
estarmuerta Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
For those of you who have read The Dark Tower series, you'll know who and what Shardik is, and for those of you who don't, I do hope that I explained it well enough. I did not want to make this a true DT crossover, I certainly wouldn't be able to do the Epicness justice, and there are just too many elements to get into without making this a 7 novel series ;P
So basically what I did was grab bits and pieces from The Dark Tower to tell my story but I also borrowed a little bit of Shardik from The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. I like to think that all of King's work is just different levels of the Tower anyway. And of course, because I am indecisive, I took a bit of ~creative license~ for the Bear as well. For all intents and purposes, however, this is a crossover with the DT. There are folk in this story that have a connection to Roland and his Tet and are there to help the Winchester's on their own journey.
I have no idea what the timeline for this story is. Set sometime during season 3, obviously. Sometime after Sin City, but, go ahead and assume that anything that wasn't referred to has not happened yet or did not happen at all. Basically it is an AU of season 3, though to what extent, I'm not sure.
I really hope that I was able to retain some of who Sam and Dean were during that time, I'm always worried about making the boys OOC - especially Sam, with his emo. He can sometimes slide too far in the wrong direction. And of course, I tried to include a few little things here and there from DT other than the characters so it did overlap with that universe, at least little bit. I didn't want it to read like Sam and Dean hunting a bear, I hope there are enough elements involved so that it reads like all things serve the beam, even the Winchesters. But without being too obvious about it.
Agents Whelan and Hale: Michael Whelan and Phil Hale were both illustrators for the Dark Tower.
Urs-A-Ka-Gan: "High-speech" meaning Cry Of The Bear or Scream Of The Bear.
Can-tah: The little Gods (bear, turtle, hare, etc)
Char: Death
Khef: Life force
Basically putting Khef-char together means nothing as far as King goes, it's made up by me. But for the sake of the story, I wanted it to translate into pausing, as Shardik does. Can-Alleyo is made up too, though Alleyo is HS for running away. Laxo is latin for release.
“We can write friggin’ circles around this guy with the stories we got,” Little did I know, huh? Heh.
This is my first attempt at a crossover, so it was a bit of a learning experience. I'm not sure if I'll ever take on anything this epic again, though heh. I should have learned from last years
spn_j2_bigbang how difficult case!fic is, but I didn't obviously. It was fun at times, and it was frustrating others. There was a while where I didn't think I was going to finish, but I managed to swing it around in the end.
No actual bears or demons were harmed in the research/writing of this fanfic.
Thanks to:
estarmuerta for the artwork! Which you can see
here if you haven't already! ♥
serotonin_storm for the beta! It wouldn't be half as readable without all the hardwork from her (tho I did poke at it afterwards, so any remaining mistakes are all mine), and of course to
chosenfire28 and
dhfreak for creating
sncross_bigbang and allowing us all to play.