Who: Arthur and Gwen
What: decorating for their first Christmas
Where: their place
When: backdated to early December, shortly after
this(Threaded here instead of at the comm due to just being a personal moment.)
Although it was a lot of work and he was still not entirely clear what any of this had to do with the holiday as it had been explained to him, Arthur was glad that Guinevere had suggested decorating for Christmas. Picking everything out together had been fun, and their rooms looked lovely. The tree was pretty much the last thing to do, and while he would not claim to have anything remotely resembling an artistic eye, between the two of them, he thought they were doing a decent job of hanging ornaments.
Also, he pretended not to notice when Gwen moved one he had placed somewhere, because really, he did not mind.
Also, he had a surprise for her. Slipping into the bedroom, he reappeared with a small, gift-wrapped box. "Here," he said, holding it out.