Name: Faye Bacharach
Age: Sixteen.
Why are you drawn to medieval times?: It's a time that I can relate to.. To me, anything post-Industrial Revolution has a sort of evil smog hovering around it. I loathe the modern rush of life and the intense noise of unnatural machinery.. Not to mention the pollution of our great Mother Earth. All I want is to go back to the years when horses were basically guaranteed instead of a luxury for the wealthy, when archery, hunting, and sword-fighting were necessary skills, when women still wore long dresses instead of walking around half-naked.. when men were chivalrous and respectful instead of discourteous and crude, when someone could fight for what they believed in.. a time when I could just take my horse and gear and go, knowing that I wouldn't run into any automobiles or other disgusting modern inventions. I just have a medieval mind-set, I guess ^_^ To make it simple, I love the simple way of life, the lack of modern technology like transportation and telephones, the architecture, the fashions, the norms of society.. My perfect world would be in the Middle Ages with indoor plumbing ^_^
I also like the fantasy aspect of the medieval era, and how so many authors and thinkers have created brilliant worlds based on this time (my two favourites being The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia).
Things you like: sewing and historical costuming, Lord of the Rings (books and films), The Chronicles of Narnia (films and story line/ideas, but not the books since I dislike C.S. Lewis's writing style/syntax), nature, animals, the night sky and Lady Moon, reading and books, writing, dresses, learning/intelligence, laughing and being happy, hugs, the gods, mythology and stories, being a nerd ^_^
Things you dislike: mess, discord, when books get popular even though they have bad writing or a stupid plot, blatant historical inaccuracy in films (about clothing or the facts), pollution, unnecessary cruelty, incorrect grammar or spelling, arrogance,
If you were a lady at court, how would you spend your days at the castle?: I wouldn't - I'd spend my days outside the castle! Most of my time would be spent in the presence of my beloved horse, and my hunting dogs, whether I'm just wasting away time lying around with them or am out riding in the wild. I'd also practice my skills of archery and sword fighting because if someone attacks me, I'll take care of it - to hell with the damsel in distress!!! I'd also go hunting with said bow and would practice falconry. I have a feeling, though, that when I'm not out doing those, I would most likely be found lying in the woods, surrounded by my horse and hounds, reading a damn good book ^_^
♥5 I have extremely pale skin that refuses to tan (not that I mind since I despise having tanned skin) - believe it or not, those first two pictures were taken in the summer and are what I look like with a semi-tan, which is as tan as I can possibly get. I've never died my hair and I never plan to. It used to reach to my waist until I cut off thirteen inches for Locks of Love; now it's at mid-back and I love putting it in rollers or deep, all-over waves like
Éowyn or
Galadriel from The Lord of the Rings. I'm 5'4" and love being short(ish) ^_^ I love dressing up, and on an everyday basis I like wearing dresses and skirts; the 1940s and 1950s are frequent inspirations for my style, also. Uh.. I know I wasn't supposed to do an explanation so I don't know why I did.. Hopefully this helps in some way, though!