LADIES: Turned ON or OFF when a guy...
{1} Dresses like a thug: Off
{2} Dresses like a prep: depends
{3} Dresses in all black: depends
{4} Doesn't care what he wears: On
{5} Sings: On
{6} Plays a musical instrument: On
{7} Is skinnier than you: off
{8} Is bigger than you: On?
{9} Is shorter than you: Off
{10} Is taller than you: deff. on
{11} Has straight teeth: On
{12} Wears braces: Off
{13} Has chapped lips: Off
{14} Has green eyes: on
{15} Has blue eyes: On
{16} Has brown eyes: On
{17} Has long hair: depends
{18} Has his head shaved: Off
{19} Drinks alcohol: On
{20} Smokes cigarettes: depends
{21} Smokes pot: Off
{22} Wears glasses: depends
{23} Has brown hair: On
{24} Has black hair: On
{25} Is tan: depends
{26} Works out: On ******
{27} Smiles more than not: On
{28} Calls you just to say HI: ON! AWH!
{29} Lets you know he was thinking about you: On
{30} Smacks your butt: depends? :/
{31} Compliments you: On
{32} Shaves his legs: off
{33} Has facial hair: Depends.
{34} Has sideburns: depends
{35} Wears jewelry: depends
{36} Has bigger feet than you: On
{37} Has smaller feet than you: Off
{38} Wears cologne: On
{39} Smiles when you walk into the room: On
{40} Calls you pet names: depends
{41} Has blue hair: ..On.. haha
{42} Has blonde hair: On
{43} Dances: depends
{44} Can make you laugh at any given moment: On
{45} Is spontanious: On
{46} Doesnt care what a lot of people think: On
{47} Likes rock music: On
{48} has piercings: On
{49} Loyal: On
{50} Laid back: ON
{51} Doesnt party a lot: off
{52} Curses: Off