(no subject)

Jul 03, 2005 10:48

10 of your top friends

10. Stephanie
9. Brianna
8. Annalisa
7. Hillary
6. Kayla
5. Toni ann
4. Chris
3. Bobby
2. kayla
1. Sarah

9 of your favorite foods

9. Chicken
8. Mashed tators
7. Sweet and sour chicken
6. French Fries
5. ice-cream
4. preztals *sp* haha
3. salad
2. country junction fooooooood! <3333333
1. rice.

8 of your favorite movies

8. The Notebook <3333333333333333!
7. Mean Girls
6. Miss Con. 1 and 2
5. Clueless
3. the ring =p
2. crossroads
1. rasie your voice

7 of your favorite shows

7. Friends
6. THE OC!! <333333333333
5. Three's company
4. DEGRASSI!!!!! <3333333333
3. Fear Factor
2. Next
1. Room raiders

6 of your favorite songs

6. California
5. Holla back girl
4. We belong together
3. Behide these hazel eyes
2. Since you been gone.
1. I'll be

5 stores you shop at

5. Wal mart. hah FLIP FLOPS!
4. Fashion bug
3. any where
2. i can
1. buy stuff.

4 things you're afraid of

4. Death
3. Spiders
2. Sharks
1. Actual crazy people

3 of your favorite bands/artists

3. GC
2. Kelly Clarkson
1. 3lw

2 of your most missed memories

2. brianna @ dunmore.
1. Stephanie living right next to me.

1 wish you've always dreamed of coming true

1. No comment =] ]=
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