Cid: Evenin Director
Reeve: How are you, Captain?
Cid: Been better, but I been worse
Reeve: Ah, -eyes your bruises- I can tell. -holds hand out for a hand shake-
Cid: *laughs heartily and shakes Reeve's hand* That? Thats nothin'
Reeve: -smirks at the captains response- It's good to hear then, so what brings you to this floor?
Cid: Lookin for that... *remembers to keep his language in check* Palmer. You ain't seen 'im, have you?
Reeve: -heavy sigh- The last I saw of him, he was finishing the entire stock of donuts in the exec. break room. Of all the days, the day i actually wanted on. -shakes head-
Cid: Surprised he ain't stuffed himself to death yeat. One'a these days... *mutters* I hope
Reeve: -burst of laughter- There's the Cid I've heard about. -grins- I was beggining to think all the rumors were untrue.
Cid: *arches an eyebrow* And what rumours might these be? People bein' spreadin' lies about me? *cracks his kuckles*
Reeve: -looks a little shocked- No no my friend, Just that you have, eh, quite the rugged personality. -forces a smile-
Cid: "S that what they call it these days. Wasnt gonna hit, you, sir, just whoever'd bin gossipin' bout me
Reeve: -Smirks- Ah well, I was just a little surprised at your reaction. I'll tell you what, what kind of coffee do you get while working on your project?
Cid: *snorts* Tastes like engine oil to me. Course that's probably cause the stuff got spilled in it, but...
Reeve: ah well, if you'd like, I can have private stock coffee sent to your quarters for you. Its the least i can do since I cannot help you out in any other way. -smiles and nods-
Cid: Nah that's alright. I prefer tea, myself
Reeve: Ah-ha! Finally, someone else. I knew you were a tea man. Please, stop by my office some time tomorrow and I'll let you try some of the new teas i had imported. -huge grin-
Cid: *rasies an eyebrow, intruiged* Imported from where?
Reeve: -cough- We'll talk about that tomorrow. -looks around shadily-
Cid: *raises his other eyebrow* OK then.
Reeve: I'll be in my office in the afternoon, as always. -nods- It was nice chatting with you, Captain. -offers hand for a farewell handshake-
Cid: *accepts the handshake* Nice meetin' you, Director. *mutters to himself* Wonder if Shera's awake yet...