Board meeting

Oct 11, 2008 23:28

Aug. 23 1990
I've apparently missed a board meeting. I was sent out to inspect several of the new sites for the plates by the President recently. He informed me of my task three days before the meeting. I was under the impression that I was to inspect and return, I had no Idea I was to oversee one of the plates going up. This is a very dangerous procedure. The workers are under appreciated and under equipped. There are very little safety precautions. I am going to bring this up at the next board meeting. I am unsure of why Heidegger has sent them out to do this with no protection from incidents. This is rather disturbing and I do not think that the company will look good if there are massive reports of workers getting killed in the process. I will collect my thoughts and write them down. They will need to be presented in a very organized manner.

board meeting

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