Interview With A Meerkat

Mar 05, 2007 19:51

Some kind of interview thing from writingknight. Looked fun enough, so I figured why not.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. When others comment asking to be interviewed, ask them five questions.

1. Why do you dislike love so much?

ME? I don't hate love or anything. I love a lot of things, actually. It's just that icky, lovey-dovey, mushy stuff with hugging and kissing. Eeeuuuk! And people think bugs are gross.

2. What's your favorite type of food?

Bugs, of course! Slimy, crunch, pointy... -Crunchy mostly. A personal jungle favorite of mine next to Pumbaa's cooking. But, more than anything I gotta say ant grubs (ant larvae). My mouth's just watering thinking about 'em! I haven't had those since... since I was a pup! They're hard to come by.

3. What does a meerkat do for fun, anyway?

Meerkats don't really have fun. I mean, sure, there's digging. 'cause you know, mud is just so fascinating. And maybe the odd 'festival' now and then to celebrate something like spring. But other than that, you'd have to be a pup to do anything exciting.

I however have several things I like to do for fun like eating, sleeping, playing games, singing...

4. You wouldn't happen to know the Meerkat Brothers from Kinkan Town, would you?

Maybe. They could have been kicked out of my old colony or somethin'. I've never been to Kinkan Town, or seen them though so I couldn't tell yeah for sure though. -why, are they here?

5. I noticed the words 'Hakuna Matata' on your journal. What does that mean?

Ah, two little words that'll change your life forever. It means 'no worries'; no rules, no responsibilities. Just taking life one day at a time. I tell yeah, it's great.

Ahiru's Questions:

1. So you're a meerkat? Where are you from, then?

A meerkat colony back in the Pridelands. That's in Africa I think.

2.) Go out and find adventure, or wait for adventure to happen?

It has a way of finding me when I least expect it more than me actually finding it. So, I guess I wait for it to happen. Not that there's ever a dull moment around anyway with a kid.

3. Do you like to dance?

Sure. I'm an excellent dancer, you know.

4. Does it ever get a little lonely, with no other animals here..?

Well... I, uh, never really thought about it like that... Maybe a bit. But like I said, I ain't been thinkin' 'bout it. Besides, I've met some other former animals 'round here so it ain't like I'm the only one.

5. How do you like Fakir's story?

How? Gee, I dunno, it's interesting? I've never heard any stories with knight's who are still alive after having their heart shattered into pieces. Uck! How can you touch those things? Don't you find it gross?

Valerie's Questions:

1. How did you meet your friend Pumbaa?

We kind of just bumped into each other. ...well, I bumped into him. He was following me and nearly gave me a heart attack.

2) Now that you know how dangerous some people here are, what can you do to prevent another fiasco from happening?

What kind of question is this? NEXT!

3) What's one of your greatest scams? (I know you've got some- I have been paying attention to you, you know).

Scams? Scams?! I don't know what your talking about. -Do I look like the scheming type? Because I would never, ever, ever, ever! so much as dream about trying to 'scam' someone.

-Outsmarting them though, that's an entirely different story. I got a million of 'em. Best one I gotta say would have to be when I tricked that cheetah who was going to eat me since I ended up savin' both my tail and Pumbaa's.

4) Got any idea where you want to head off to now? You have a map and probably a goal in mind.

After I pick up a certain map from a friend, I'm leaving the city to look for a few things with someone.

5) How EXACTLY did you meet some of your other strange friends in Paixao- like that weird kid with the hair that looks like someone-we'd-rather-not-talk-about?

Who, Laharl? On that message board thing they have here. We met to have a fight -a fight I won, of course.
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