Hey there~ I hope this is allowed but I was just looking to see if I could find any Cowboy Bebop rp'ers interested in this new game that starts July 1st! I think all the characters would really fit in~ Check it out!
Wow, I am so slow when it comes to movies. First Akira, Evangelion, and Ghost In The Shell will be made into a live action movie and now Cowboy Bebop. I can't wait!!!!
Title: There's a Shadow, You Can't See My Eyes Rating: G Genre: Gen/Romance Pairings or Characters: Faye/Spike Warnings: none Word Count: 294 Summary: This was a well-deserved vacation. Author Notes: For the fayeandspike drabble challenge, "here come the girls," based on the song "Folding Chair" by Regina Spektor. Of course, this being me, I had to toss some
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Just finished rewatching the entire season for the millionth time! And it does not matter how many times I watch it but Hard Luck Woman makes me cry every single time.
Murky Waters By: Fantazomai (Rachel2) Genre: Drama/Romantic Rating: PG-13 Characters: Spike/Faye Status: Complete About: Spike watches as Faye falls into the water, but when she doesn't resurface has to save her.
Hey, everyone :) So I'm new to this community and to Bebop in general. I watched the whole series in about two days a short time ago, and absolutely fell in love with it, so now I'm trying my hand at fic. This is my first attempt, so I thought I'd post it here. Hope I didn't butcher anyone too badly :/