Title: Where Did You Go? Summary: Even during quiet days at home, the Cage is never far away. Verse: Frayed 'verse. Other fics are here. Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sam, Dean Rating: PG-13 for Hell trauma. Word count: 1,385
It's endlessly fascinating to explore the effects of 100+ years of trauma. I have so much more I want to get into with this 'verse. Glad you're enjoying it!
Kazluvsbooks recommended this at FanFic Friday on Positively SPN and I'm so glad she did. This just feels so gut-wrenching and real, all of Sam's hell-trauma and unreliable narration just as scary as his memories. And lovely Dean, right there, big-brother protective and understanding. It almost makes me grateful that Dean went to Hell first, so he'd understand when Sam had these moments. Thank you for this wonderful read. Hurts so so good.
Comments 20
It's endlessly fascinating to explore the effects of 100+ years of trauma. I have so much more I want to get into with this 'verse. Glad you're enjoying it!
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