Title: Give You Everything I’ve Got
Summary: Things don’t always go smoothly.
Verse: Supernatural
Fandom: Frayed 'verse. Other fics are
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and Hell trauma
Wordcount: 4155
Thank you to my awesome beta
tarotgal for reading through this and offering wise words of wisdom.
Fic here. )
Comments 15
...Do you ever get that little voice in your head when you're writing that says, "Nobody's going to like this. Just stop now."? It's comments like yours that make me believe that maybe I'm not doing such a bad job after all. :) Seriously, I was so thrilled to read this comment when it popped up in my inbox this morning.
I'm glad that it had an impact on you, and that the whole situation and their reactions felt authentic. It's heartbreaking for me to write sometimes, too, but I just try my best to keep it as real as possible, with less of the super- and more of the natural, and I'm glad it resonates with people. Thank you so much for the amazing comment!
Sam's confusion and pain but still so Sam and dogged Dean who will not give up.
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And it's been sooo long since I've posted anything new in it, which I feel really guilty about. But I've got a couple of half-finished fics hanging around, so hopefully there will be more to this 'verse soon?
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