I'm gonna do a livejournal cut. because yes. This should be interesting. I wish I had more fandoms, even though I think you can use original verses.
I think I'm gonna try this row first: drunkfic, epistolary (which sounds dirty but is just story via letters, au: apocalypse, road trip, against all odds.
It's really that or: snowed in, au: apocalypse, free space, hurt/comfort, food porn (how the heck?)
I'm really not liking that f or die square. I could do that column easily.
handcuffed / bound together
huddle for warmth
snowed in
au: college / highschool
au: fairy tale / myth
in vino veritas / drunkfic
au: apocalypse road tripagainst all odds
immortality / reincarnation
twenty-four hours to live
meet the parents / family
mind games
hurt / comfort
locked in
language and translation
telepathy / mindmeld
au: mundane
food porn
fuck or die
unexpected friendship