#34: Amnesty Round - #5: Do the Shuffle

Feb 23, 2014 01:32

Title: Making A Racket
Your Song: cloisonne, TMBG
Word Count: 132
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original, Pictures in My Head 'verse
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: Brian is just trying to make something.

"Mind your business."

"What are you doing in here? You're making a racket. Brian, I'm scared you'll hurt yourself."

"I'm just making something..."

"Well, don't get hurt. How can you even know what you're doing?"

"Why do I have to explain?" He pushed around the hammer, and sure enough, he hit his thumb. "Ouch!" His voice was too loud. "OK, maybe you were right."

I went over to him and gave him a back rub.

"I was just trying to fix the towel rack."

"You don't have to explain."

He frowned at me. "I was scared you were gonna call the police or something."

"Why would I do something like that?"

"I was making a lot of noise out here."

"Well, just be careful."

He looked up in my direction. "OK."

Title: Truce
Your Song: Eons, 311
Word Count: 194
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Glee
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: Rachel and Santana are both going through hard times, so they decide to call a truce.

I took a deep breath and slammed the door. I just wanted some peace and quiet after a long day, but sure enough, Santana was on the phone loudly. She was cursing in Spanish. I didn't have to know the language to know what her tone meant. She was upset.

I walked up to her and made a face. She said something to the person on the other end. She hung up and asked, "What?" She looked upset.

"Look, I just want some quiet. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Urgh, you're not the only person going through a hard time right now, OK? That was my grandma. She's trying to start up the same old argument again..."

"Oh Santana," I sighed, but I was still upset. I was going through a hard time too and she knew that. I stared her in the eyes. "Look, I think we just need to call a truce. I know life sucks or whatever."

She laughed, "Finally, you're making some sense, Berry."

"Look, all we can do is try."

"OK, I agree to try to be quiet."

I didn't think it was too much to ask.

Title: Sidewinder
Your Song: The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite, REM
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: She visits her brother's place with some terrible news.

I looked up at his window. I looked down at the paper again. This had to be the right address. I cupped my hands together and yelled, "Matt!" I tried again, but still no answer. I went over to the pay phone and dialed the number on the slip of paper. How could he stand it here? The neighborhood had gone to seed, his apartment building looked run down, but I knew he probably didn't have any choice in the matter. If things hadn't changed much, he was probably still broke.

Finally, I sighed. I knew I had no choice. I took out the key mom had given to me. I needed to talk to him right now. I knocked on the door anyway, maybe he would hear me. Nothing. I opened the door. I went into the kitchen and looked into the cabinets. They were nearly empty besides a can of beans, some instant soup, a Hershey's bar. Nothing else. I sighed. Matt was never good at taking on himself. I thought back to our childhood... We lived on picture books and Saturday cartoons played on repeat.

I went back to the bedroom. I felt terrible bursting in on him. The guy could sleep through anything. I thought about the time he actually fell asleep standing up. I guess I shouldn't feel so bad. He was breathing deeply under his cover...

I shook him. "Mom is dead." I said as he opened his blurry eyes. "I couldn't wake her up."

Title: AC Power
Your Song: Tesla, TMBG (Live 4/16/2013)
Word Count: 145
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: His new car is too powerful.

I revved my car, speeding up and turning the corner. I tried to beat the light. My car was powerful enough, I thought I could make it. I knew I was running late, but I didn't even think about that. Lines of a new song were running through my head. I had to write them down before I forgot... I wasn't paying attention to the road. There was a loud honking ahead. I looked up for an instant and there were two headlights. Soon, I was dead on the floor. Papers were flying everywhere. But how come I still felt alive? My bones were hurting. All the inventions of the past and present were spinning through my head. It made no sense. This world was too powerful. Someone was calling an ambulance. I would have to be careful, but I would live another day.

Title: Running
Your Song: Running, 311 (Live 8/6/2011)
Word Count: 228
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: She tells herself to stop running.

Somehow I felt like I was floating through the universe. I smiled, I had never felt so happy, so at peace with the course of everything. All too soon, I came crashing back to reality. How hard would it be just to pack up a little bag and run away? As much as life sucked, I didn't want to give up. There was nothing to worry about. There were so many possibilities about there... I could do anything I wanted to. I got out of bed to face the day. The sun was shining and it was the start of a great day. I got dressed, got on the bus and went to school. Today was just one day closer to the end. I was looking forward to the day I could finally get out of the city, this town. But I told myself I was going too fast. Maybe I should just slow down and enjoy this craziness. I shook my head and returned to earth. The first bell rang and I ran into school and sat in my seat just in time for the lesson to start. I told myself that's the way I should live my life. In the moment. There would be more moments ahead to worry... At lunch that day, I made myself sit with a new crowd and actually talk to them.


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