Title: Relax My Beloved
Prompt: This Is for Her, Relax My Beloved, Nightmare
Word Count: 406
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original, Pictures in My Head 'verse
Pairings (if any) Brian/ Jordan
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc):
Summary: It's a long day at the carnival, but maybe Brian can offer a different perspective.
“What are we doing here?” I breathed heavily, looking around the crowded pier. I had to stop walking and sit on a nearby bench. “Brian?” I had lost sight of him in that split second. I felt like the world was spinning in front of me. It was probably just the heat.
“I’m right here.” He was grinning. He felt for the bench and sat down next to me. “Don’t worry. That old stroller is squeaking like crazy.”
I hadn’t noticed. I pulled it up next to me now and looked in at the kids. Brooklyn was getting too big for the stroller, but she was sleeping soundly, perched awkwardly in her seat. Dylan’s eyes were still wide open, but he was rubbing them, fighting to stay awake. “Maybe we should go home. I’m getting tired.”
“Relax my beloved,” Brian said lightly. “Don’t forget, this is for her.”
I knew he was right. Brooklyn was at the age where she needed to see the world. Dylan was probably too young to know the difference, even though he had gotten just as excited as his older sister at the sight of the carnival. But Brooklyn was old enough to think the whole thing was magic, but not old enough to know better. I sighed. “She’s fast asleep.”
He chuckled. “I know. She hasn’t asked for anything in a while.”
My gaze shifted back to the pier. The carnival wasn’t quite Disney World, but it had spinning eggs, motorcycles and speedboats that went around in lazy circles, and even a masked chipmunk of some sort that was supposed to the carnival’s mascot. The small space was packed with families, teenagers and couples of all ages. I looked back at Brian. “I don’t understand it. This is like a nightmare, but none of this gets to you. I thought you didn’t like crowds.”
He was still smiling. “It’s not the crowds, it’s just chaos I think. No one is really in a hurry here, or at least they shouldn’t be. It’s Sunday, the sun is shining. This is what dreams are made of.”
His mood was infectious. I tried to calm down, I didn’t have to be in such a hurry, at least for one day. “OK,” I finally agreed. “Let’s just rest a while.”
“Great idea. I’ll go get some drinks.” I wasn’t even worried as he walked off with his endless energy. He would find his way.