Title: Realize my Dreams
Prompt(s) Used: City of Lights, Almost Famous
Style(s)/Genre(s) Used: 2nd Person, Present Tense
Word Count: 440
Rating: pg
Original/Fandom: Glee
Pairings (if any): none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): none
Summary: Artie has his first run-in in the big city.
As you make your way through the crowded streets, you can’t help but smile. There are flashing lights and glowing signs everywhere, there’s more to see than you could ever take in. You stop at a red light and just try to take it all in. There are advertisements everywhere, you’re not even sure what some of them are for. Even the sign for the subway looks like an ad.
“I feel like I could be famous.” You can’t believe you’re actually here. You have made it.
But as you try to look past the crowds, you realize your friends are gone. You sit there for a second, the crowds rushing by. They don’t even pause, they’re all in too much of a hurry to get to their destination. You feel like the only one who ever notices the sights along the way.
You feel your wheelchair roll forward a few inches suddenly. You look around, a girl comes forward, too close for comfort. “Excuse you!” Her face is tense.
“Can’t you see-”
She narrows her eyes. “I don’t care who you are or what’s wrong with you. You trip me up, you will pay.”
That isn’t what you were going to say, but you decide to ignore that fact. You’re not intimidated by the girl, she’s tiny. “Excuse me, you’re being extremely offensive. I have to go.”
You start to move away from her, but she easily catches up with you. “What’s your problem, man? You tripped me, if I remember correctly.”
You shake your head. She’s making you feel really uncomfortable. “I’m sorry,” you mumble. Something still doesn’t feel right.
She rolls her eyes. She looks like she’s about to say something else, but she gives up and walks away. If she looks back, you can’t see her because the crowd instantly blocks her from view. You’re still sitting there half a second later, reaching for your phone, when Sam rushes through the crowd. “Oh, there you are, man. Everything OK?”
You want to tell him about your weird encounter. You wonder if things like that happen to everyone. Suddenly you realize something. For the first time, someone didn’t apologize for running into you, you actually had to apologize for tripping them up. It feels different, but in a good way. It makes you feel like you might actually belong here in the big city. You might be just another lost soul, drifting through the endless stream. Strangely, you feel like you have finally arrived. You just look up at Sam and smile a little. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go.”
And you move on, braving the unforgiving city.