Second part of the RP session

Jun 16, 2011 14:43

Here is the second session of our TGWTG/Uzumaki crossover RPG, this time it goes through to the second to the last chapter in the second volume. As usual none of the characters belong to us, they belong to talented people living in Japan,The Midwest and elsewhere and there might be a few typos.

Aikou: Nerd: *pants* I think its over Critic..he can't chase us anymore
Aikou: Critic: Uhh..*sees the dead Brit suddenly getting up and jumping towards them yet again* How the hell can he still keep up? RUN!
Julia: Nerd: Oh God! *runs faster with critic* Critic! What the fuck is that! That ting comming out of his body?!
Aikou: Critic: I think its one of those springs you find in cars!
Aikou: *the corspe jumps towards Nerd but misses again and this time the spring comes out of the body and lands a few feet away*
Julia: Nerd: O-oh God that was fuckign close...Do you think that it was the car spring?
Aikou: Critic: Y-yeah..I do
Aikou: Critic: They..the morons must've missed it
Aikou: Nerd: The fucking bastard never surpised anyone again.
Aikou: *few months later*
Aikou: *Nerd and Critic are waiting outside the school for Kirie and its pouring rain*
Aikou: Nerd: Been fucking raining for the past 2 we're in the Pacific Northwest or something
Julia: Kirie: I know, but look at it this way, we've been seeing an awful lot of Todd lately
Critic; Todd? You mena that realy slow kid?
Aikou: Kirie: Yep, oh there he is right now coming up..hey Todd
Aikou: Todd: Oh hey...*sees the ids running out* Oh I missed school again, darn
Julia: Kirie: Oh don't worry todd, at least you decided to come today.
Nerd: You've been acting stringly latley todd, is anythign wrong?
Aikou: Todd: No, other than having my neighbor thinks I like Hannah Montana's
Aikou: Paw: *overhears* Hey Todd what kept you from coming to school on time? *laughs*
Julia: Todd: Mhg?
Nerd: Oh go fuck yourself Paw, why do you always have to pick on Todd?
Julia: Todd: No it's fine...really
Aikou: Paw: Let me guess? You just had to buy all the copies of Kiss latest albums...or you just had to finish you lates piano "masterpiece"
Aikou: Critic" Paw shut up!
Julia: Paw: *ignores* Or mabey your not into Kiss, mabey it's justin beiber that gets you off isnt it?
Nerd: God dame it Paw!
Aikou: Todd: I hate Justin Bieber's music Paw..*starts to walk away*
Julia: Paw; hey! where do you think your going?! *grabs todd and drags him to the locker rooms*
Aikou: Nerd: Hey! Get your hands off of him!
Aikou: Kirie: Yeah you're being an ass Paw! *takes off with Critic and Nerd*
Julia: Paw: My God, what is this shit? *wipes off slim* your fuckign disgusting *takes off todd's clothes*
Aikou: Critic: *running in* Hey Paw stop it!...*stops in his tracks when he sees a spiral on Todd's back*
Aikou: Nerd: *runs up to where Critic is* Critic? Whats wrong?
Aikou: Kirie: Boys what are you...*sees the spiral* omg
Julia: Nerd: W-what...A spiral?
Critic: *turns pale* Oh god no...Todd, when did you get that on your back?
Aikou: Todd: About a day before the rain started..why?
Julia: Critic: Todd, listen to me, you ahve to get out of town as quickly as possible...
Aikou: Todd: Why?
Aikou: Critic: Because you're cursed with the uzumaki! You have to get out of here!
Julia: Nerd: *Notices the spiral turning into a shell* The...fuck?!
Julia: Todd: Mmm i feel funny
Aikou: Critic: Oh fuck! It started already! Quick get out of here
Aikou: Kirie: Oh god..I think he might turn into a snail. I was watching a nature documentary with Insano the other night
Julia: Nerd: Are you serious Kirie? Oh No
Todd: *Slowly morphs and becomes a human snail*
*meanwhile* Paw: *drinks water bottle*
Aikou: Critic: Oh I have a bad feeling starting about Paw...Paw I think you need to get out of this town
Julia: Paw; The...fuck you talking about?
Critic; uh paw your covered in slime
Aikou: Paw: Ah fuck! I bet one of you dump some on me when I wasn't looking! Well fuck you bastards..*walks off*
Aikou: Nerd: He's gonna turn into a snail too isn't he?
Julia: Paw: What?
Todd: *slithers through the room*
Nerd: Ah!
Aikou: Kirie: What are we gonna do with Todd?
Aikou: Critic: Im saying Paw is that if you don't get the hell out of here, you'll end up like snail boy over here!
Julia: Kirkie; *notice a lump growing on Paw's back* Um
Critic; Paw come on you ahve to get out faster
Aikou: Paw: And how are you going to get me to go faster?...and what the hell is on my back!
Aikou: Kirie: *notices Todd slither through the hallway towards an open door* Um guys..
Julia: Todd: *slithers out side*
Nerd; And he escaped
Critic; it's a shell! it's growing on your back! Todd get the fuck out here now!
Aikou: Paw: Oh alright...*tries to run but he is going slow*
Aikou: Kirie: You guys help Paw..I'll go see where Todd went..*runs off*
Julia: Nerd: *Grabs todd's arm* Coem on well help you
Critic; No Nerd, don't touch him! the spiral might get you too!
Aikou: Nerd: Yeah don't want that
Aikou: Roses: *walking up* that disgusting thing supposed to be Todd? *sees the mask*
Julia: Kirie: Uh... yeah....I'm sorry you have to see this Roses
Paw: *slithers out of building*
Aikou: Critic: *runs after* Oh crap..Paw's too late too
Aikou: Kirie: Though he does look funny as a snail with headphones one haha
Julia: Nerd: heh that is true...Oh god what are they doing?!
Aikou: Kirie: Oh God...Insano told me that snails are hermaphodites which means..
Aikou: Roses: They're mating..
Julia: Nerd: Snail porn, its just what this fuckign town needs
Roses; i think im gonna be sick...
Aikou: Critic: Me too.. oh god..
Aikou: Insano: *walking by* porn right before my very eyes hahahaha...*takes out camera and takes a pic* This is so very interesting
Julia: Nerd: *looks at insano: what the fuck is wrong with you insano?
Insano: What? it's for science!
Aikou: Nerd: Of course...*rolls eyes*
Aikou: Kirie: *giggles*
Julia: critic: Alright, I think there done...
Roses: Is-is that an egg:?
Aikou: Insano: *leans in closer* I believe it is..a beautiful baby member of the Gastroda class. I think I'll take this one home and take care of it......hmm I think I'll name you Little Spoony
Julia: Critic; Insano are you crazy that thing ie probaly fuckign cursed!
Julia: Insano: No it's not! its onaly a babY!
Aikou: Insano: How can it already be curse! Besides I'll release it to the wild once it gets big enough alright...
Aikou: Critic: ..but you don't know and I don't want anything to happen to you so get rid of that egg now!
Julia: teacher: What the fuck is going on out here?!
Aikou: Insano: Critic over there says I have to get rid of this now but its only a baby snail...I mean sure it came from two snail-people mating but its a newly born baby
Julia: Teatcher: that's not a baby, it's a pile of eggs! *crushes them* We can' t let these creatures breed!
Aikou: Insano: *screams* Oh have no soul for animals don't you? *accidentally drops the egg he was holding. He then screams while running home*
Julia: Kirie: poor insano...
Critic; Mh yeah...but the teacher's right, its for the best
Julia: Nerd: that week, the teacher came back...
Aikou: Insano: *looks from behind Nerd* Oh God....he's a snail too!
Aikou: Kirie: oh my..this is getting weirder
Julia: Critic: Now do you want those eggs again insano?
Aikou: Insano: No! Oh God...this is beyond head hurts
Julia: Kirie: *hugs him* its okay*
Aikou: Insnano: *hugs back* Thanks Kirie. You're a sweet girl
Julia: Nerd: One night the black lighthouse on the cape of Kurozu-cho suddenly streamed forth a bright mesmerizing glow
Aikou: Mike: Hey Nerd! You should check out the black lighthouse! Its so cool..come on!
Julia: Nerd: I dont know Mike, I mean didnt so many people disapear going up that thing?
Aikou: Mike: I dunno..
Aikou: Board James: I don't like that makes me feel dizzy and shit
Julia: Board james; Guys, promise me oyu wont go to that light house, expecialy you mike
Mike: Aw Board james!
Aikou: Board James: I mean it! I don;t want to have to report to your mother that you wound dead!
Aikou: Mike: Awww...*mutters* you're no fun
Julia: Nerd: *chuckles*
Julia: Nerd; before we knew it peopel ahve been doing straing things
Julia: Nerd: *Sees insaino walking in circle* Uh what are you doing?
Aikou: Insano: Oh I was just going back to my lab but its oddly taking me longer than usual
Julia: Nerd: ugh... alright i guess
Aikou: Mike: Well he couldve screwed up on an experiment or Im planning on exploring that lighthouse with a couple of other people later..wanna join?
Julia: Nerd: what? No! Not after what happened to those peopel who went missing. Mike you cn't go
Aikou: Mike: Aw..come on not you too! You sound like a lot like your brother you know
Aikou: Nerd: Thats cause I want you fucking alive Mike!
Aikou: Mike: can't stop me you know..*runs off towards the lighthouse*
Julia: Nerd: Fucking, Mike! Get the fuck back here! *chases after him*
Mike: You can't catch me fucker! *runs faster*
Aikou: Nerd: Mike! Get the fuck back here!
Aikou: Critic: *sees them run pass them* Hmm...*runs up to Nerd* Whats going on?
Julia: Nerd: Mike is beign an ass as usual! He's goign to run up to the lighthouse!
Aikou: Critic: What? We have to stop him! That place is cursed with the uzumaki
Aikou: Critic: I mean look what happened to that shipwreak near the place...*points*
Julia: Nerd: *looks over at the shipwreak* What happened to it? I mean wouldnt they have seen the lighthouse?
Critic: Thats the thing, as theyw ere commign in all they were doign were walking in circles till they fell off the boat, one was rescued but the other two are missing
Aikou: Nerd: Oh. Well please help me stop Mike Critic
Aikou: Critic: Will do..*both takes off
Aikou: *Nerd and Critic enter the lighthouse*
Aikou: Nerd: Mike! Mike..get the fuck down here!...*yelling*
Julia: *Critic and nerd walk up the lighthouse*
Nerd: Mike! Oh God...
Critic; the floors and ceilings are covered with spirals
Aikou: Nerd: Oh shit...*they walk up further* Oh god...*sees the burned skeletons on the steps*
Aikou: Critic: Mike!..*runs up futher*..Nerd...I found Mike..he's at the topw
Julia: Mike; G-guys...*points up at spiral*
Nerd: My's like everything is liquified
Julia: Mike: Im to scared to's like its fuckign looking at me.
Aikou: Critic: Oh god look at the mirror...we have to get out of here before the sun rises!
Aikou: Nerd: *grabs Mike and they start to run down*
Julia: Mike: why what's happening?
Nerd: Just keep running Mike! Don't look back!
Aikou: Mike: Why?
Aikou: Critic: A big fucking fireball will come down this way and we'll be burned if we don't get the fuck out!
Julia: Mike: *run's faster* Nerd...
Nerd; it's okay! just run! Fuckign Run!
Critic: Shit! Here it comes!
Aikou: Nerd: *screams*
Aikou: Nerd: Nobody got burned up but we were blown back down. When I woke I had no memory of what happened and I saw we all made it outside.
Aikou: Mike: Oh fuck..that fucking hurts like hell
Aikou: Critic: *coughs* need to go to the look burned here and there
Julia: Nerd: *tries to get up* I-im fine, I gotta get Mike Home *almost falls ove4r*
Aikou: Critic: *catches him* I got you. I'll help you get Mike home then I'm taking you to the hospital
Aikou: Nerd: Fucking bastards said I had to spend a few weeks in the hospital cause of the burns I recieced. That cocksucker Mike was released ahead of me. Fucking asshole...I have to miss the local con here in town, and whats up with these damn ass mosquitoes
Julia: Kirie: hey Nerd, how are you feeling?
Nerd; Better I guess, I can't take these fuckign misquetoes they hurt like fuck when the bite my burns
Aikou: Kirie: Oh well I brought you a video game to cheer you up..*hands him his DS*
Julia: Nerd: Aw this is nice, thank you! You didn't have to...
Kirie; i know but I wanted too, I mean I know how bad it is to bein a hospital
Aikou: Nerd: Yeah..fucking sucks
Aikou: Kirie: and it probably doesn't help with the bugs..seems to be more this summer
Julia: Nerd: yeah, Oh look! There swirling
Julia: 8points*
Aikou: Kirie: Oh wow..looks like a column but they just keep spinning and spinning
Julia: Nerd: Mh that's weird...Oh my GOD!
Julia: Nerd: *points at corpes in the bushes*
Aikou: Kirie: *looks out* What the heck happened to her?
Aikou: Nerd: I dunno...but its fucking creepy
Julia: Nerd: what we didnt know was that the body was the least of our nightmares, eventualy more and more people were getting bitten, mostly pregnant women. My good friend Lupa was one of them
Aikou: Nerd: *walks into Lupa's room* Hey Lupa, I just wanted to say hi
Aikou: Lupa: Hey Nerd
Julia: Nerd: Are you feeling okay?
Lupa; Mh yeah, I'm fine, bitten but fine
Aikou: Nerd: Well they take good care of you here Lupa
Aikou: Lupa: I know. Could you put away that in one of the drawers for me? *points to a cloth covered drill*
Julia: Nerd: *picks it up* what is this thing it's so heavy
Lupa: oh it's just something I brought with me
Nerd: Alright *puts in drawer*
Aikou: Nerd: The next morning is when the first goddamn outbreak occurred here. Apparently all the male patients had be found dead with holes all over
Aikou: Lupa: Hey Nerd..come over here..I can feel my baby moving
Julia: Nerd: Really? *puts hand on stomach* well, that's so cute! I'm sure it will be a healthy child... assuming if the hospital isn't in a panic anymore
Aikou: Lupa: Thanks. Im sure they won't be in a panic, don't worry
Julia: *the next day, the critic comes into the Nerd's room while hes playing game boy*
Nerd: Critic! I feel like I havent seen you in fuckign ages!
Aikou: Critic: I know, felt the same way. I just wanted to see how you were doing?
Aikou: Critic: Plus I felt like I've been a recluse lately with watching TV and movies all the time, just though I come out
Julia: Nerd: well I'm happy that you still came, regardless.
Critic: Of coarse *looks around* Nerd, i think you should cheack out of here, I'm getting a bad vibration from this place.
Aikou: Nurse: Excue me Nerd. Im sorry but you have to share your room with your friend Lupa. There isnt enough room in the maternity ward
Aikou: Nerd: Oh thats fine
Julia: Lupa: Hello
Critic: *grows pale* Nerd, You have to stay away from her...
Aikou: Nerd: What? Why?
Julia: Critic; I get a bad feelign about her and *mosquito flyes into Critic's face*
Aikou: Critic: AAAHH! GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING COCKSUCKING PESTS! *sprays it with bug spray*
Julia: NerdL Critic! what the fuck are you doing you shit sucker!
Lupa: *coughs from the spray*
Nurse: Are you insane! Theres a pregnate woman in here!
Aikou: Critic: Look..don;t you know that female mosquitoes suck blood...Insano told me once! Its to nurish their babies...
Aikou: Nurse: Sir I have to ask you leave
Julia: Critic: Hm fine... *leaves*
Nerd: *looks at Lupa* Oh God I am so sorry about him, hes been kinda fucked up lately
Aikou: Lupa: Oh..its ok..*coughs*
Julia: *later that night*
Nerd; Ugh, fucking mosquitoes, I can't stand them
Aikou: Nerd: *swaps them away as he sees Lupa* Oh hey careful of these damn pests
Julia: lupa; Oh those? I don't mind them...I love them
Aikou: Nerd: Oh you do?
Julia: Lupa: Mh yeah, I do...
Nerd: Hm, hey what's that sound?
Aikou: Nerd: Not coming from in here...*gets up and opens the door to the hallway* Its probaly coming from down there...
Julia: Nerd: *looks down at the hall* There all pregnant women, what are they doing?
Aikou: Nerd: *sees the mob coming down the hallway* They look like fucking zombies..*hides* Where are they going?
Julia: Mob: *separate into different rooms and drills through the patients bodies*
Pregnate woman: *looks at nerd& You Saw!
Aikou: Nerd: Oh shit!..*takes off down the hallway*
Julia: Pregnate woman: You Saw! *chases him*
Aikou: Nerd: *trips and falls* AAHH..fuck! Help!
Aikou: Random Dude: *comes out*
Julia: Pregnate women: *look at the man and hypnotize him* Blood give us blood
Aikou: Nerd: Oh shit...*backs away then takes off to his room*
Aikou: Nerd: *looks back and see all the women sucking up all the blood*
Julia: Pregnate women: He Saw! After him!
Nerd; 8tries to close door of his room* Lupa! We have a fuckign situatioN!
Aikou: Nerd: Lupa?....*sees her with the drill*...oh shit Lupa snap out of it!
Julia: Lupa: Give me blood...
*door bangs open and Pregnate woman attempt to attack the nerd*
Aikou: Nerd: *screams as he back up, he then notices the bug spray the Critic left behind* this fucker!...*sprays*
Julia: Pregnate women: *scream in horror and run away from the spray*
Julia: Nerd: After the insidend I tried telling everyone what happened but no one would belive me. I was alone and I can only imagine what these babies would look like.
Aikou: Nerd: All the traces of the murders have been erased. Months passes and the pregnate women started going into labor. My friend was one of the first
Julia: Doctor: Alright, just one more push!
Aikou: Lupa: *pushes* Oh man..
Aikou: Nerd: *overhears from outside*
Julia: Nerd: oh God I hope the baby looks normal, it's been given blood for fiuck's sake
Aikou: Nerd: *looks in* Phew...looks what a cute baby
Julia: baby: *coos*
Aikou: Lupa: *later at their room* Oh hey Nerd..want to see my new baby?
Julia: Nerd: Oh Sure,...Aw he's so cute, Hm? What's wrong with his belly, it's all puffed up.
Aikou: Lupa: Oh its fine, don't worry..
Aikou: Nurse: Nerd? I just wanted to let you know that you're all set to leave this place anytime you want to
Aikou: *suddenly all the babies started crying*
Julia: Nerd: Ah FUCK! *covers ears* that sound! *runs out of room and trips on stairs8
Aikou: Nurse: *in the room with BJ* Sorry you're in here have to stay another week
Julia: Nerd; Ugh figures, I dont know how much longer I can take this place
Aikou: Board James: It'll be ok Nerd..when you come home, I'll fix you up some of your favorite foods and we'll play video games all night
Julia: Nerd: Aw thanks Board James, I'd like that alot thanks
Aikou: Board James: You're welcome
Aikou: Nurse: Hey I brought some food for you Nerd *brings in a tray*
Aikou: Nerd: Oh thanks
Julia: Nurse; i recoment the mushrooms, there delicious!
Nerd: the mushrooms? they look so weird...and they taste like meat
Aikou: Board James: Oh don't be so picky..*tries one* They taste good, what are they exactly Nurse?
Aikou: Nurse: I dunno but I heard they are suppose to be good for you
Julia: Nerd: I'm goign to go get some chips *gets up and walks down the hall*
Patient: Mh I love those mushrooms!
Aikou: Patient: Oh these are so good
Aikou: Nerd: Oh I don't feel so fucking good
Aikou: Nerd: *hears some sounds*
Julia: baby: Ugh I don't like it out here
Julia: other baby: yha I want to go back inside
Aikou: Baby: me too it was nice and warm
Aikou: Nerd: *looks into the nursery from the window*
Julia: Baby: But can they put us back in?
Other baby: Of coarse! if the doctor took us out he could put us back in
Aikou: Nerd: What the hell am I hearing....please don't fucking tell me Im in Baby Genius...thatmovie was so horrible it broke my boyrfriend for two weeks...
Aikou: Baby: Oh look..getting so excited my belly is rising..
Julia: *placenta bursts out of stomach and floats*
baby: oops! How embarrasing!
Nerd: *grows pale*
Aikou: Nerd: *thinking* That definitely did not fucking happen in that shitty ass movie
Aikou: Nerd: *suddently hears a scream that sounded like Lupa*
Julia: Nerd: Lupa?! *runs into the room filled with placenta mushrooms*
Doctor: Hello nerd ...
Aikou: Nerd: What the fuck is all this? Wheres Lupa?
Julia: Lupa: The babies, they stay cute because it draws attention...its how they survive, but these babies, they still want to be fetuses..
Julia: Doctor: they want to be put back inside, they dont wat to grow up. *eats placenta*
Aikou: Nerd: *horror look on his face then sees a room in the back* Is Lupa in there?
Aikou: Doctor: Yes...and I have to say the procedure went well
Julia: Nerd; What? What the fuck did you do to her?! *runs into room and gasps* LUpa!
Aikou: Doctor: *walks up behind him* I do know that she gonna needs blood from now on..*holds up and grabs Nerd*
Aikou: Nerd: What the fuck..let me go!
Julia: Lupa; Blood, give me blood *gets up and releases mosqueto tongue*
Nerd; Fuck NO! *ducks*
Aikou: Nerd: *sees the Doctor get hit* Oh God..gotta get the fuck out of here..*gets out as people come into the room and eat the placenta*
Aikou: Lupa: More...I need more...*started to go towards but then went to the other people*
Julia: Peopel; Oh The mushrooms!
Nerd; No! get out of here!
Aikou: People: *ignores him* Come on lets eat delicious
Aikou: Nerd: I then escaped from that crazy hospital, ran to Critic's as fast as I could. I didn't want to go back and find out what happened to all those moms. I rather eat the shit from a buffolo then go back there
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