Name twelve of your favorite TGWTG characters in any order, any verse is fine also
1. Nerd
2. Critic
3. ATG
4. Linkara
5. Insano
6. TOG
7, Spoony
8, Iron Liz
9. Marzgurl
10. Chick
11. Lupa
1) Have you read a five/ten fic before?
Insano/Chick? no can't say that I have
2) Do you think three is hot? How hot?
Oh why he is evilly hot.....*beats*....Oh my god...did I really just say that
3) What would happen if six got one pregnant?
If TOG got Nerd pregnant...hmm...I would suspect Critic would be pissed off at the Nerd and TOG at first but would come around and accept his little niece or nephew
4) Do you recall any good fics about nine?
Any good ones with Marzgurl.....I haven't read a lot of Marzgurl centric fics
5) Would seven and two make a good couple?
Spoony/Critic......I think that would,....yes
6) Four/eight or four/nine?
Linkara/Liz or Linkara/Marzgurl......Linkara/Liz
7) What would happen if seven discovered three and eight in a secret relationship?
If Spoony discovered ATG and Liz in a relationship?.......XD He'll probably just stand there thinking what the fucking hell did I just saw?
8) Make a summary of at least twenty words for a two/six fic.
Critic/TOG.......*fangirling squeel heard around the world* There should be more Critic/TOG fics dangit....
Two messed up crazy brothers in a world of reviews are closer than society says they should be.
9). Is there such a thing as a four/ten romantic fluff story?
Linkara/Chick...yeah I would say it could very well work
10) Suggest a title for a one/five Hurt/Comfort fic.
Nerd/Insano....hahaha actually that is a very interesting pair given that the Nerd did create FrankenNerd one time lol hidden mad scientist prehapes.....
From one insane scientist to another
11. What kind of plot would you use for a three/eleven fic?
ATG/Lupa....I dunno actually
12. Does anyone on your friends list read number seven het? What about nine slash?
Spoony het..pretty sure some do....Marzgurl slash...pretty sure some might too
13. If you wrote a songfic about number nine, what song would you choose?
Marzgurl.....Love Me Like A Man -Terri Clark lol I dunno all I can think of right now
14. If you wrote a two/three/six fic, what would the warning be?
Critic/ATG/TOG.....O_O.....*faints*....hello new incestuous OT3.....
...Oh right...*clears throat* The warning would be...Warning: Major incestuous hotness abouds!
15. What pick-up line might eight use on five?
Liz using one on Insano.......Are you a scientist? Baby you can experiment on me anytime.....
16. Challenge: Write a drabblefic for ten/eight.
Iron Liz/Chick
Can't think of one at the moment but Iron Liz would definitely be the top
17) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex?
Poor Spoony....He'll would just scream bloody murder as Mechakara eventually kills Critic
18) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?
Linkara/Nerd....hahahaha...ok umm Linkara bringing Nerd to his house and teaches him not to swear so much using sex as a bribe
19) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash?
Spoony slash...a big fat hell yes!
20) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het?
ATG there ATG het?
21) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?
Lupa....write yes draw dunno
22) Would you write Two/Four/Five?
Critic/ATG/Insano....hahahaha that funny...actually there is an IS one with that pair but somebody else wrote that.
23) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion?
Chick...omg its a big lipped alligator moment!....yeah dunno
24) When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Insano...just a short few hours ago
25) What is Six's super-secret kink?
TOG secret kink.....erk I dunno.....I can see him having a sizechanging, the tall/short kind, kink though going after Nerd and Critic you know....bondage maybe....hmm seems like he would have a variety.........*faints*
26) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober?
Lupa shag Nine...probably both
27) If Three and Seven get together, who tops?
ATG/Spoony......again poor Spoony'll be ATG
28) "One(Nerd) and Nine(Marzgurl) are in a happy relationship until Nine(Marzgurl) suddenly runs off with Four(Linkara). One(Nerd), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven(Lupa) and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve(Mechakara), then follows the wise advice of Five(Insano) and finds true love with Two(Critic)." What title would you give this fic?
Insano: Hello Insano here...*looks over* Im gonna finish this one on account of the author having fainted for the 3rd time....umm I...I dunno. Last time I tried to give the Nerd advice. he ended up punching me in face.....bastard....anyway if you excuse me I'm late for a date in a lab Germany!TOG....*runs off*