
Jun 29, 2006 19:53

I picked up a copy of GTO: the Early Years today, and I can't wait. My legs are getting noticably stronger from all of the biking I've been doing. I feel good. :) My ribs are finally healed, so I can get back to sparring and my training. I've just had, like INFINITE drive to do a bunch of stuff lately. It was like an inspiration attack. I'm gonna ( Read more... )

lost horizon: a flame to the ground bene

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Comments 5

alera_angel June 30 2006, 06:05:38 UTC
Ooo! Ooo! Draw me somethin!


coyote_requiem July 1 2006, 00:15:21 UTC
I'll see what I can do.


tigerlilly13 July 1 2006, 18:00:12 UTC
well get inspired to come and see me i would call but i lost your number :-( OH and where is my farie????????


coyote_requiem July 1 2006, 23:50:18 UTC
I have it and my number is 485-4413.


tigerlilly13 July 6 2006, 04:28:00 UTC
kk i'll call you tomarrow


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