Even though I've done my god damned best,

Feb 11, 2005 21:46

I got dragged in anyways.

I asked specifically not to be brought into this. Everyone who I count as a friend respected my wishes. However, one person did not. Who was it? Evie.

EvieAhece (8:44:43 PM): So. I take it that everyone is mad with me right now.
TwilighteKitty (8:44:56 PM): yep
TwilighteKitty (8:45:03 PM): that would be about right
EvieAhece (8:45:04 PM): I expect you to also hate me intensly, right?
TwilighteKitty (8:45:13 PM): you lied, i hate liars
EvieAhece (8:45:35 PM): I lied? How did I lie?
EvieAhece (8:46:03 PM): Amuse me, tell me when and how I lied.
TwilighteKitty (8:46:04 PM): you told us that you hated chuck, that he threatened you, i could go on..........
EvieAhece (8:47:25 PM): Yeah, he did. But ther e is a thing called forgiveness and something called about lying, which kristin told me falsely about chuck's sister. She doesn't even know any of you or even heard of you guys. Did I not tell any of this before? I think I did.
EvieAhece (8:47:57 PM): But. You people don't know much about forgiveness. Your still bitter at kristin.
TwilighteKitty (8:48:24 PM): i'm not bitter, what have i to be bitter at kristin about?
EvieAhece (8:48:49 PM): Your not bitter? Then why don't you talk nicely to her?
EvieAhece (8:49:18 PM): I only told you all of that how many fucking months ago? Five, I think to be right?
TwilighteKitty (8:49:37 PM): and I'm not likely to beleive that if you were threatened to be "teabagged" by him, and that you we're assaulted before, that you would willingly to go out with someone
TwilighteKitty (8:49:56 PM): and I don't talk nice to kristin because I don't have to. I'm honest
EvieAhece (8:50:06 PM): Willingly? I am going out willingly with him.
TwilighteKitty (8:50:12 PM): i don't think she should be handled with kid gloves
TwilighteKitty (8:50:23 PM): you aren't?
EvieAhece (8:50:40 PM): You got a problem with us now? I don't give a damn. Im sick of you guys talking shit behind my back.
TwilighteKitty (8:50:55 PM): i haven't said a fucking thing behind your back
EvieAhece (8:51:03 PM): You know I don't like it. You told me not to talk shit about you and I haven't
EvieAhece (8:51:10 PM): Yes You have!
TwilighteKitty (8:51:11 PM): i haven't either
TwilighteKitty (8:51:14 PM): when?
EvieAhece (8:51:49 PM): I heard that everyone. Including you, that your telling kristin to kick me out and that i'm not a good friend to her, when chuck, dave and I are the only one that are helping with this.
TwilighteKitty (8:52:04 PM): i haven't ever talked to kristin
TwilighteKitty (8:52:16 PM): so stop throwing accusations
EvieAhece (8:52:44 PM): But you've talked with devon and he's saying all sorts of shit that you apparently agree when he was arguing with kristin.
TwilighteKitty (8:53:09 PM): i talk to devon about stuff, i wasn't even with him whem he was talking to kristin
TwilighteKitty (8:53:24 PM): i've asked everyone to avoid discussing the whole issue with me
TwilighteKitty (8:53:30 PM): ask anybody
EvieAhece (8:53:44 PM): I've never lied to you. And I never will.
EvieAhece (8:53:59 PM): So don't throw accusations at me
TwilighteKitty (8:54:08 PM): i don't believe that, and if you didn't then you have even bigger problems
EvieAhece (8:54:31 PM): What the fuck are you talking about?
TwilighteKitty (8:54:48 PM): going out with someone that you felt was going to rape you
EvieAhece (8:54:54 PM): When I told about chuck I was lied to in the first place
EvieAhece (8:55:07 PM): I never said that.
TwilighteKitty (8:55:16 PM): about saying that he was going to teabag you in your sleep
TwilighteKitty (8:55:42 PM): did you forget?
EvieAhece (8:55:48 PM): Right. I said it not felt like he was going to
EvieAhece (8:56:10 PM): Get your facts right. I said it, but I never felt it. I took offense to it, but I knew he wouldn't.
EvieAhece (8:56:31 PM): Don't you ever listen to everything or just sit there and take in what you want to hear?
TwilighteKitty (8:56:34 PM): sure, i remember what you said and how you acted
EvieAhece (8:56:44 PM): For someone who says she listens very well, you really didn't get everything I said.
TwilighteKitty (8:56:45 PM): i do listne to everything
TwilighteKitty (8:57:04 PM): but hey, you're the one who wants to fight
EvieAhece (8:57:07 PM): Everything? Not apparently. You didn't get what I meant.
TwilighteKitty (8:57:22 PM): what is said and what is meant are different
EvieAhece (8:57:29 PM): Do you now?
TwilighteKitty (8:57:44 PM): you the one fighting not me
EvieAhece (8:57:51 PM): Yes, I know that. That's why I said it.
EvieAhece (8:58:06 PM): Fine. But do you get what I'm saying and meaning?
EvieAhece (8:58:13 PM): I hope you do.
TwilighteKitty (8:58:18 PM): yes, although it's a little hard
TwilighteKitty (8:58:23 PM): to understand you
EvieAhece (8:58:53 PM): Okay. But really the reason why I wanted to talk with you. Is who is that anonymous person? Is it devon and please don't lie to me if you know.
TwilighteKitty (8:59:04 PM): no it's not devon
EvieAhece (8:59:18 PM): Alright.
EvieAhece (8:59:19 PM): Thank you
EvieAhece (8:59:34 PM): But do you agree with me on what I said there on kristin's lj?
TwilighteKitty (8:59:44 PM): about devon calling?
EvieAhece (8:59:50 PM): She's not the one provoking it. Whoever that is just making it worse.
EvieAhece (8:59:57 PM): Yeah.
EvieAhece (9:00:09 PM): She hadn't talked to him since she deleted him off her list
TwilighteKitty (9:00:14 PM): no the thing is that she is the one to always call and im him
EvieAhece (9:00:25 PM): and he just popped up for no reason about all of this to put his two cents in
TwilighteKitty (9:00:27 PM): actually she im'd him the other night
EvieAhece (9:00:35 PM): yes after he starts it
EvieAhece (9:00:35 PM): right?
TwilighteKitty (9:00:42 PM): no
EvieAhece (9:00:43 PM): because i'm here all the time
TwilighteKitty (9:00:56 PM): she im'd him out of nowhere the other night
EvieAhece (9:01:10 PM): You sure?
TwilighteKitty (9:01:13 PM): yep
TwilighteKitty (9:01:17 PM): perfectly
EvieAhece (9:01:19 PM): Cuz I read the logs and he was the one that im'd her first
TwilighteKitty (9:01:26 PM): he saved the convo
TwilighteKitty (9:01:51 PM): i know he didn't im her first
TwilighteKitty (9:01:59 PM): he wants nothing to do with her
EvieAhece (9:02:03 PM): Alright.. that's what you say.
TwilighteKitty (9:02:10 PM): devon doesn't lie to me
EvieAhece (9:02:21 PM): She doesn't want anything to do with him
TwilighteKitty (9:02:29 PM): that's why she im'd him
EvieAhece (9:02:36 PM): But I can be mistaken.
TwilighteKitty (9:02:37 PM): and she admits it on her lj
EvieAhece (9:02:44 PM): Kristin's really weird
EvieAhece (9:03:00 PM): Huh?
TwilighteKitty (9:03:16 PM): the comment she made on her own journal
TwilighteKitty (9:03:24 PM): she admits she im'd him
EvieAhece (9:03:38 PM): When?
EvieAhece (9:03:53 PM): Yeah. long fucking time ago.
TwilighteKitty (9:04:04 PM): http://www.livejournal.com/users/queerasfolk18/13156.html?thread=55652#t55652
TwilighteKitty (9:04:06 PM): read
TwilighteKitty (9:05:05 PM): she assumes when devon called YOU he was calling her
EvieAhece (9:05:21 PM): You mean the last entry she wrote?
EvieAhece (9:05:36 PM): Yeah cuz he called her later I think.
TwilighteKitty (9:05:48 PM): no he didn't
TwilighteKitty (9:05:56 PM): she means when he called YOU
EvieAhece (9:05:57 PM): Oh.. okay.
EvieAhece (9:06:11 PM): Then she got it wrong.
TwilighteKitty (9:06:11 PM): she assumes him calling you, is him calling her
TwilighteKitty (9:06:17 PM): yeah that's right
EvieAhece (9:06:25 PM): Yeah.
EvieAhece (9:06:27 PM): I have to agree
TwilighteKitty (9:07:12 PM): Devon wants nothing to do with her, in fact when they talked he kept asking "why are you talking to me" and she refused to answer
TwilighteKitty (9:07:38 PM): he and i want nothing to do with this soap opera
EvieAhece (9:07:57 PM): Soap opera? What soap opera?
TwilighteKitty (9:08:15 PM): this soap opera
TwilighteKitty (9:08:32 PM): the drama-rama boyle-a-thon
EvieAhece (9:08:35 PM): You mean the soap opera that is life?
TwilighteKitty (9:09:40 PM): i mena the soap opera that is we're going out, no wait we're just friends who fuck, no wait we're together agian, nope i'm going out with your bestfriend that you hate, that lives with you
EvieAhece (9:10:27 PM): That's what it is though no matter how you look at it. it's life. shit happens with life.
EvieAhece (9:10:50 PM): Chuck always was broken up, but kristin didn't want to admit it the whole time.
EvieAhece (9:10:53 PM): They were never together.
EvieAhece (9:11:01 PM): That was just kristin's hopeful wishing
TwilighteKitty (9:11:04 PM): that's not what he said
EvieAhece (9:11:08 PM): He really broke up with her about three months ago
TwilighteKitty (9:11:10 PM): but whatever
EvieAhece (9:11:21 PM): What do you mean what he said. He never talks with either of you.
TwilighteKitty (9:11:32 PM): hold on
EvieAhece (9:11:36 PM): okay
EvieAhece (9:12:37 PM): The time that he broke up with her was like a month ago, but he wanted to end it three months ago and he told her that he REALLY wanted to break up with her, but she made it seem that they were and he was just getting pissed with her
EvieAhece (9:13:06 PM): together*
TwilighteKitty (9:13:12 PM): but you said that they broke up finally three months ago
TwilighteKitty (9:13:37 PM): did they?
EvieAhece (9:13:57 PM): He wanted to break up with officially three months ago. but she kept on saying they were together the whole time
TwilighteKitty (9:14:11 PM): but did he say they were broken up?
EvieAhece (9:14:18 PM): He did.
EvieAhece (9:14:23 PM): She wouldnt' take it
TwilighteKitty (9:14:25 PM): and he kept on it?
EvieAhece (9:14:31 PM): Nope.
EvieAhece (9:14:39 PM): He was telling her it was over
EvieAhece (9:14:45 PM): but she kept on saying no it wasnt
TwilighteKitty (9:14:57 PM): I'd like to say thank you to those who are either just staying out of it or suporting us. Thats all I've ever really wanted. And to Chad and Devon... look I'm sorry about getting off on the wrong foot. I understand that all you guys were doing is protecting a friend. Even though that should have been obvious then I'm just a little on the thick headed side. Honestly I never wanted to cause problems, but what can I say... I'm an asshole. But anyways thank you guys for finally just letting it be, and who knows... maybe sometime we can get to know one another.

TwilighteKitty (9:15:04 PM): written 11-30
EvieAhece (9:15:22 PM): Where did you find that?
TwilighteKitty (9:15:24 PM): that was two months
TwilighteKitty (9:15:30 PM): kristin's journal
EvieAhece (9:15:38 PM): That wasn't him.
EvieAhece (9:15:48 PM): Kristin made that up.
TwilighteKitty (9:15:54 PM): ok
TwilighteKitty (9:16:07 PM): who says that?
EvieAhece (9:16:16 PM): I don't know, but I know he didn't say that.
TwilighteKitty (9:16:35 PM): this either: Dear Kristin,
I know this letter brings up the past & is very painful, but it doesn't have to be...Kristin will you go out with me again?
EvieAhece (9:16:40 PM): Cuz that week, he was talking about how kristin keeps on saying that they're together and that he was really fucking upset with her.
EvieAhece (9:16:45 PM): That was a long fuckign time ago
TwilighteKitty (9:16:51 PM): but he kept fucking her>
TwilighteKitty (9:16:55 PM): ?
EvieAhece (9:17:04 PM): he didn't she did.. she kept on forcing him.
TwilighteKitty (9:17:20 PM): i'm not libel to beleive that
EvieAhece (9:17:27 PM): There were several times that they came out of the room arguing that he doesn't want to but she does
TwilighteKitty (9:17:50 PM): ok, but he can say no, and if he didn't want to. it wouldn't get hard
EvieAhece (9:18:06 PM): Okay fine. I give you that.
TwilighteKitty (9:18:13 PM): and she kept going to his house
EvieAhece (9:18:22 PM): Without his permission
EvieAhece (9:18:26 PM): most of the time
TwilighteKitty (9:18:32 PM): he didn't have to let her in
EvieAhece (9:18:35 PM): she kept on bugging him for like weeks
TwilighteKitty (9:18:42 PM): and he kept coming out here
EvieAhece (9:18:44 PM): until he just gave up
EvieAhece (9:18:49 PM): Yeah to talk with dave and I.
TwilighteKitty (9:18:59 PM): and sleeping in her room
EvieAhece (9:19:11 PM): well yeah.
EvieAhece (9:19:16 PM): he sometimes slept out here
TwilighteKitty (9:19:21 PM): well isn't that mixed messages?
EvieAhece (9:19:22 PM): cuz he was mad with her more than usual
EvieAhece (9:19:33 PM): No she asked him to sleep in her room to help her sleep at night
EvieAhece (9:19:39 PM): she has a problem slepeing
EvieAhece (9:19:45 PM): and supposedly she has problems slepeing alone now
EvieAhece (9:19:48 PM): which is weird
TwilighteKitty (9:19:55 PM): nah, i don't beleive that
EvieAhece (9:20:04 PM): cuz she's been sleeping till like six every evening alone the past two nights
EvieAhece (9:20:09 PM): so.. i dont really believe her on that
EvieAhece (9:20:31 PM): I mean, yes I can be considerate to a point. But not to the point that she wants him in her room every fucking night to help her sleep.
TwilighteKitty (9:21:09 PM): it's shady just like him. jusy like it always has been
EvieAhece (9:21:21 PM): She's trying to say a few days ago that they were still together and i got mad with her so did chuck and dave
EvieAhece (9:21:27 PM): Yeah cuz kristin lies
EvieAhece (9:21:44 PM): The only reason why your mad with him, is becaus what kristin told me was lies
TwilighteKitty (9:21:44 PM): no when i talked to him he was shady
TwilighteKitty (9:22:03 PM): "birth control doesn't work"
EvieAhece (9:22:10 PM): Sometimes it doesn
TwilighteKitty (9:22:20 PM): but more often then not it does
EvieAhece (9:22:33 PM): yes but you have to give him credit for that there is a chance
TwilighteKitty (9:22:35 PM): 99.99%
EvieAhece (9:22:39 PM): I've known two that didnt' work
EvieAhece (9:22:46 PM): and they didn't just start
TwilighteKitty (9:22:47 PM): but it's not fake, like he said
EvieAhece (9:22:50 PM): they were on it for like three months
EvieAhece (9:23:09 PM): no basically sometimes there are fake ones placebos.
TwilighteKitty (9:23:12 PM): probably didn't take it as directed
TwilighteKitty (9:23:21 PM): yes but not all of them like he said
EvieAhece (9:23:23 PM): if you break it down, the pill it is
TwilighteKitty (9:23:36 PM): yes but it isn't fake
EvieAhece (9:23:46 PM): He didnt' say that all of them are he still gave you the benefit of the doubt that it does work but sometimes it doesn
EvieAhece (9:23:49 PM): right?
TwilighteKitty (9:23:53 PM): right
EvieAhece (9:23:57 PM): okay
TwilighteKitty (9:24:04 PM): but he still didn't want kristin to take them
EvieAhece (9:24:09 PM): yeah
EvieAhece (9:24:13 PM): you don't know about that
TwilighteKitty (9:24:14 PM): yeah shady
EvieAhece (9:24:14 PM): he's sterile
TwilighteKitty (9:24:21 PM): he had a kid
TwilighteKitty (9:24:26 PM): did you forget?
EvieAhece (9:24:28 PM): Yeah.. he was 17
TwilighteKitty (9:24:37 PM): and now he's?
EvieAhece (9:24:40 PM): 19
TwilighteKitty (9:24:45 PM): oh two years?
EvieAhece (9:24:47 PM): he was checked about three months after
EvieAhece (9:24:52 PM): by a doctor
TwilighteKitty (9:24:56 PM): after what?
EvieAhece (9:24:58 PM): and the doctor said he was sterile
EvieAhece (9:25:04 PM): he found out that he had a kid
EvieAhece (9:25:14 PM): There are guys like that
TwilighteKitty (9:25:14 PM): so the kid isn't his?
EvieAhece (9:25:18 PM): yes it is
TwilighteKitty (9:25:23 PM): hahahahahahah
EvieAhece (9:25:25 PM): There are guys out there that go sterile after one kid
EvieAhece (9:25:27 PM): don't laugh!
EvieAhece (9:25:39 PM): You have to give him that
EvieAhece (9:25:56 PM): There are thousands of guys that that happen ot
TwilighteKitty (9:26:00 PM): it's not common and rare and
EvieAhece (9:26:03 PM): Yes.
EvieAhece (9:26:06 PM): But again
EvieAhece (9:26:08 PM): there is that chance
EvieAhece (9:26:14 PM): and I've seen it i saw the results
TwilighteKitty (9:26:14 PM): whatever
TwilighteKitty (9:26:20 PM): fine
EvieAhece (9:26:21 PM): Fine don't believe.
TwilighteKitty (9:26:24 PM): i don't
EvieAhece (9:26:28 PM): ok
TwilighteKitty (9:26:32 PM): i don't see the results
EvieAhece (9:26:33 PM): Too bad. i'm not lying
EvieAhece (9:26:50 PM): Alright. But don't assume that he's not
EvieAhece (9:26:58 PM): Okay. Because you don't know
EvieAhece (9:26:59 PM): I do.
EvieAhece (9:27:17 PM): Just give us the benefit of the doubt before you say anything.
TwilighteKitty (9:27:21 PM): you sound as bad as kristin, you know that right?
EvieAhece (9:27:22 PM): Or come to any conclusions
EvieAhece (9:27:34 PM): I do?
TwilighteKitty (9:27:37 PM): yep
EvieAhece (9:27:42 PM): So i'm not using at all?
EvieAhece (9:27:47 PM): logic*
TwilighteKitty (9:27:55 PM): you guys are saying the exact same types of things
EvieAhece (9:28:03 PM): Really? fine.
EvieAhece (9:28:06 PM): Be that way
TwilighteKitty (9:28:12 PM): whatever, it's true
EvieAhece (9:28:19 PM): What i'm saying is true and I don't really give a fuck if you dont believe me.
EvieAhece (9:28:32 PM): I know it's true. That's your perogative, to decide whether or not
EvieAhece (9:28:44 PM): So, I can't do anything about it.
TwilighteKitty (9:29:29 PM): and by the way i do have a problem with the whole relationship. If it was any three people I don't know, i'd still have a problem. You don't fuck you're friends ex, espessially if they still like them
TwilighteKitty (9:29:50 PM): just thought i'd get that out there
EvieAhece (9:29:53 PM): Okay.
EvieAhece (9:29:56 PM): I already know that.
TwilighteKitty (9:30:24 PM): waving your relationship in kristin's face is not going to help her
EvieAhece (9:30:27 PM): But you are being untrue to your word. You said if you love someone, nothing should stand in your way.
EvieAhece (9:30:30 PM): We're not
TwilighteKitty (9:30:33 PM): and you say that's what you want to do
TwilighteKitty (9:30:41 PM): when?
EvieAhece (9:30:50 PM): I never fucking said that I wanted to wave it in her face
TwilighteKitty (9:30:53 PM): when did i say anything of the sort?
EvieAhece (9:30:53 PM): So fuck you.
EvieAhece (9:31:04 PM): A long fucking time ago
TwilighteKitty (9:31:08 PM): when?
TwilighteKitty (9:31:29 PM): i don't say things like that. I'm not the kind of person and i've never believed it
EvieAhece (9:31:34 PM): Last year about two months before I gave birth to rose.
EvieAhece (9:31:50 PM): Anyways, I have to go. We'll continue this later.
TwilighteKitty (9:31:56 PM): hold on let me look on my records
EvieAhece (9:32:08 PM): Sean wants the phone
EvieAhece (9:32:14 PM): fine.
TwilighteKitty (9:32:14 PM): ok

I don't want to be IM'd about this again. I don't want anything to do with this Soap Opera, or anyone involved. It's Jerry Springer fodder, and I don't need it. But thanks anyways for ignoring my wishes, and talking to me about it anyways.

I never told anyone "if you love someone, nothing should stand in your way." Saying that, is untrue to who I am. Coming out of an abusive relationship, I know better. I know that if need be I would stand in my own way when it came to "love," if it meant I would lose myself, or myself respect. What if I said to a pedophile? It would give them free right to fuck all the little kids they wanted, because they "loved" them. What I would say is "If it harms none, do what thou wilt." I would never smash the feelings of a friend, no matter how insane, by going out with someone they were even crushing on. It's a rule of friendship. In middle school and high school I was given the opportunity to, but I didn't. Because, I'm a true and loyal friend.

Now thanks to everyone who have taken heed of my wishes. They still stand.
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