thats so crazy... i wonder what they taught them at magazine selling boot camp. 'lie, cheat, steal, get at them any way you can. feign interest in whatever they hint at, just sell them a cosmo subscription!' i never realized that magazine subscriptions warranted such agressive selling...
LOL probably. Well, if what the first seller said was correct, whoever sells the most magazines gets to go to London. Goddamn I really hope I don't see any more of those magazine people...
LOL LINDSAYtrinity666February 2 2005, 09:54:30 UTC
EVERY communications class i've ever taken makes you go sell magazines. maybe they're sneaky lil bastards, but it IS for a class. this guy once approached me in my late stages of crack abuse and I chewed him out. "ASSHOLE, i'm in YOUR class, and I'm not SELLING magazines cuz I'm TOO OCCUPIED WITH MY PRECIOUS CRACK HABIT which is REALLY REALLY EXPENSIVE SO FUCK OFF!!!" I saw him 5 minutes later with a naive lil fat girl who was loving all the attention. I flunked out of communications.
Re: LOL LINDSAYcpc_795February 2 2005, 12:46:50 UTC
Actually I remember running into the same kinds of fuckers at the mall a year or two back. They didn't claim it was for a class, they said they just wanted the money. I'd be more likely to buy magazines if the fuckers were honest
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