It's beginning to get harder to live here in this time and age. Everything is going up from food, gas, and even places to live.
My rent is going up in August from $415 to $510, and all over town prices are above the $500 rang. Thankfully I think I found a place to live, that is like $10 more than what I pay for now. It's just it seems so unfair that prices are going up, but our pay is staying the same. I mean thankfully I'm getting paid $8 an hour, but $8 an hour for working 40 hours a week isn't enough to cover the expensive of living here, and I make too much for food stamps to help. I'm stuck. And it's not just here in Gainesville. It's all over the world. It reminds me of the 1920's when everything was so great and materialistic, then the 1930's hit with the depression. I fear its going or happening now. The main reason why the depression happen was that we weren't getting paid enough for everything. I mean I walked in the mall the other day, and saw someone bought a $500 pair of glasses, and there were clothing of the same price. That's my rent for a pair of glasses that I could get for $15 somewhere else.
My shoes don't fit, or broken. I only have one pair of shorts and pants. My phone gets shut off like every month it seems for not getting paid on time. I'm always having to pay late fees on all of my bills. It doesn't seem to lead up, and now they want more money from me. What is this world coming to? I mean it seems so unfair. I was working two jobs to help with the payments, but my body couldn't handle it. With the strain of a stressful job, lack of sleep, lack of eating, and stress from my friends for missing out on life. But now since I left Atlantic, true I have been sleeping more and eating as well, but where are the friends who wanted to hang out with me? And I'm hurting for money again. I keep hoping that my job will give us the raise it had promise us, but it looks to be unlikely. I keep hearing from one friend on how much money his is making, and hearing from others how great their lives are.
I don't see how come it is hard for me? I'm confuse on what to do. I could get another night job, but go back to not eating, sleeping, and hearing people complain that I can't do things with them. Or I can move to a new place, where hopefully things will improve, or and yes I have thought of it. Suicide again. No, I'm not going to commit suicide, but I will admit the thought has cross my mind. But if I did, then my family would have to pay the debit I owe. It seems like the world wants us to excited and not live, as a good friend of mine has recently told me. They just want us to wake up and work all day and do it over again. And they pay us so little, that we are forced to work more than one job just to make it up. They promise us that schooling will help us make more money, but for some, we have to work to pay for classes, to only pay them back more just for taking them.
I wish there was a clean sweep button, that would just clear out the debt so we can just LIVE our lives. But at last I doubt that will ever happen to us.