Headhunting Drabble

Nov 27, 2007 11:47

Title: Headhunting
Author: CrabbyLioness
Characters: Ianto, hapless Stormtroopers
Disclaimer: I'm not making a penny.
Rating: G, pure unadulterated crossover crack 
Based on that picture.

"Are you sure about him?" The helmet concealed the face, but there was no mistaking the doubt in the voice as it's owner stared at the scowling young man in chains the squad had just brought in.

The Lieutenant sighed. "He's the only one we could find who fit the description. Cyber-maintenance skills, high-level butling skills, courage, discretion, proven ability to handle a high-stress work environment, astronomically high loyalty levels -- if he isn't good enough I don't know where else we'll find Lord Vader a new valet."

Author's Note: Based on the lovely picture 
laligin took  in Birmingham and posted here.

ETA:  And reposted here with her kind permission.  Thank you!

Part 2


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