When Hell Came to Our Home Update November 19

Nov 19, 2010 16:11

Master Post

Not much happened this week.  The new lawyer was unable to find out who at East Chickasaw DHS was supposed to be overseeing our case, and finally just sent a letter to their office.  We gathered up the girls' homeschool registration forms for her (the only paperwork required by homeschoolers in Mississippi.  The rest of the stuff they asked for is not required.)

I'm supposed to have a psych evaluation next week that should satisfy any legitimate concerns they have on that regard.  Isn't that the cherry on top of a mountain of stress?

And on top of all that we're still househunting, which ordinarily would be a job all by itself.  There's a lot more I can post about that (yeesh!) but my time is limited.  More after we get something nailed down.  Plenty of running around thanks to that next week.

I have no video editing capablilities right now.  Is there somewhere I can post a thirty minute video for viewing?  Youtube cuts off at 15 minutes.

We're going to be spending Thanksgiving living out of suitcases.  Oh, joy.  I only hope something gets resolved before Christmas.

To those who think I'm doing this for attention, I'm really not that kind of person.  Given a choice, I'd really rather be sitting back, chatting about fandom, and reading fanfic as opposed to dealing with all this.  You have no idea how much I wish I could even care about fandom right now.

personal, harassment

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