crabinpocket's LJ stalker is mynameisjes!mynameisjes is stalking you because they have nothing better to do with their time. They are also in jail for murder!
i'm glad everything worked out for the better. btw....lisa, erica, jessica, and especially jessie...i love u guys soooo much. i honestly could not have functioned with out u. u guys are amazing!!!!!!!!! and the speediest date finders ever. love u all! p.s. michelle....u rock. <333333333333333333333333333 ♥ shahista.
hey!!!!!!! i'm a lil sleepy today and listening to depressing interpol isn't helping...haha. but i'm soooo excited to see them!!!! yayyyyy!!!!!!!! tomorrow is senior cut day and i'm hanging out with michelle, huh? i wonder what crazy thing will happen to us? i'm soooo excited for the carnival thing too. <3 u all.