Mistakes, They’re Memories Madeglovered | PG | Vague S6 spoilery
Sam deliberates the legitimacy of fortunes and worries soulless-self may have let on too much.
The language and imagery are beautiful in this tender story, as the boys make slow and sometimes stumbling progress towards finding each other in a whole different way.
You’re In A Car With A Beautiful Boywnchster | R |
They call you Sam and you fall in love with your brother. He calls you Sammy and it's more about restraining yourself than it is about that certain feeling in your soul.
Brilliant use of second person pov in two complementary parts, each brother’s adoring gaze turned on the other over time, full of love and longing.
Before a Falldeirdre-c | PG-13 | OPOV
Dean's always been proud of Sam.
Wonderful connected drabbles that feature various POV's that evoke Dean's overwhelming love for Sam, moving, vivid and full of emotion
pray for the thunder and the rainnilyn | R | pre-series
They're soldiers in the trenches, seeking proof of life; they're teenage and desperate, driven mad by the dry summer heat; they're two people and one person all at once, and so how could this end any other way?
Atmospheric and insightful. This fic delves into who Dean is and how he functions as it shows the slow sliding progress toward sex. A beautiful rendition of the affection and competition that goes with being brothers.