Saturday - Blast From The Past

Apr 15, 2012 18:51

Sorry for the slight lateness! Life happened!


Sell Your Baseball Cards to Pay the Rent
whereupon Sam/Dean | R.
Seriously, this is the best thing that's happened all week.
Their life is messy and dirty and dangerous, and this captures it beautifully, the impulsiveness; living on the edge. Truly compelling Dean voice, with all his (sometimes inappropriate) humor and gallantry.

Mr Willis of Ohio
flawedamythyst Sam/Dean | PG.
The Willises moved in to Number 53 on a Thursday, at 1.38 pm.
Really precisely observed third-party POV, where every small detail reveals so much about the relationships between the characters, and the dramas that are tearing them apart.

Highway Survivalists' Roadmap
drvsilla Sam/Dean | NC-17.
It's just more nowhere-to-me for Sam and Dean.
This is just achingly beautiful, poetic and magical, a road-trip through beautiful places, but all they can think of is each other.

blast from the past

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