WIP-Cracking Challenge 2014 - Timescale and General Info

Jan 20, 2014 10:05

Do you write? Chances are you've got a story (or two, or a dozen) that you'd really like to finish, but just can't find the time/motivation/will to work on.

Well, guess what? Now's your chance! With crack_the_wip's WIP-cracking plot-resolving story-completing challenge!

You can sign up as a writer, a buddy or a cheerleader, or any combination of the three. Writers write, buddies poke, and cheerleaders cheer everyone on in the fortnightly check-in posts.

NB: there will be a few small changes this year, one to the length of the challenge (this year it's longer!), one to the buddy-matching process, and another to the fortnightly check-in posts. Details below.

The check-in posts will be fLocked, so be sure to join the community if you'd like to take part.

This is a variable-stress challenge where you decide the amount of pressure we put you under. If you work better with someone bugging you, we'll pair you up with someone who'll do just that (you decide how often and how gentle or harsh). If you work better when you're left to your own devices, we'll let you get on with it and cheer you on when you want the encouragement.

So, how does it work?


20 Jan - Sign-ups open, and the challenge begins!
08 Feb - Sign-ups close, participant list posted
22 Feb - Fortnightly check-in posts begin (give us your word count, your highs and lows; celebrate your successes or have a good old grouch about the bloody story and how it won't cooperate, and above all, cheer everyone on!)
31 August - THE DEADLINE. Final check-in post
Early September (as soon as everyone's replied to the check-in post) - Final round-up!

Questions you might want to ask:

How do I sign up?

To sign up as a writer, just answer these questions in a comment to the sign-up post, join the community, and you're away!

What's your WIP? (could include title, fan or original fiction, characters, themes, genre, summary, current wordcount, why you're writing it, etc)
What do you need to do to get it finished?
Any stumbling blocks? (please say whether or not you're happy for people to offer advice)
Would you like to be poked repeatedly with a sharp stick until you finish? (If so, please specify how much poking you would like and how sharp you want the stick to be, and how you'd like your buddy to contact you.)
Do you have any fortnightly goals?
Would you like me to record these under a cut on the fortnightly check-in post for extra motivation?

To sign up as a cheerleader or a buddy without signing up as a writer, just comment saying that's what you'd like to do. Then join the community (so you can see the fLocked posts).

Where do I sign up?
Click here for the sign up post!

What's with the sharp stick?
Some people work better alone, and some people work better when there's someone hitting them up by email or IM every so often to see how they're doing or y'know if they're doing. For anyone in the second group, you can recruit your own sharp-stick-weilder, or let me know when you sign up and I'll organise someone to poke you. And then poke you some more. Until you finish.

You tell us how sharp you need the stick to be and how often you need to be poked.

This part is totally optional.

If I sign up as a cheerleader, what am I committing to?
You're committing to providing encouragement and support of the 'YAY, go you!' variety at the fortnightly check-in posts.

If I sign up as a buddy, what am I committing to?
You're committing to poking one or more writers using a method of their choosing and at a time of their choosing (or a compromise worked out between you if the timing isn't good for you). They choose how hard you wield the stick, you're there to give them some extra motivation.

This is a supportive role and requires a fair bit of commitment. It shouldn't take up too much time.

This year, buddy matching will be organised centrally to make sure everyone who wants one gets a buddy.

I'd like to offer advice/beta reading/crit/plot-chat/something else
That's awesome. Join the comm, and there will be a post for that soon.

I'd like to make you banners!
Thank goodness. PM me <3

What do I get out of it?
Aside from finishing your WIP?
Support and encouragement
A framework to help motivate and support you to finish that story
Celebration when you finish!
There may even be a banner, if I can find a volunteer to make one.

What kind of WIP is this open to?
Any work of prose fiction. It can be any genre, fan or original fiction, any length. There are no restrictions on content.

Can I post extracts to this community to ask for feedback?
Entries need to be members locked.
Prose goes under an lj-cut.
Headers must be outside the LJ-cut, and clearly state original or fanfic (if fanfic, please use a standard fic header, if original please give genre), whether it's an extract or in full, any content advice (such as common triggers or squicks), and most importantly what kind of feedback you're after.

I write fanfic, do I have to wait and post it all at the end?
It's your story, you post it where and when you like. We just want to know when you've finished writing so we can celebrate.

Do I have to send you the story to prove I've finished?
Not at all. This works on the honour system - if you say you've finished but you haven't, there's only one person who loses out.

I'm signed up as a writer, do I have to comment at all the fortnightly check-in posts to stay in the challenge?
I'd encourage everyone to stop by and chat to people about their WIPs, but you only need to post your own progress if it will help you.

What counts as progress?
Anything that contributes towards you finishing your WIPs, for example words written, words edited, chapters completed, plots worked out, plot holes filled, typos corrected, the list goes on.

How many WIPs can I sign up with?
A maxuimum of two at the beginning. As soon as you've finished one, you can sign up with another. And you can keep on doing this for the duration of the challenge, with no maximum number of completed works.

Is there a minimum wordcount?
Nope. Writing can be hard work, it doesn't matter how long the story, and sometimes even the shortest stories take a bit of extra motivation to get finished.

If I finish before the challenge is up, can I take on a new story for the remaining time?
Please do. Just let me know about it, and I'll make the addition to your sign-up details.

If I ask for my fortnightly goals to be recorded on each check-in post, can I change them as I go along?
Of course! You can change your goals every fortnight if you like. Just let me know.

When does the writing period begin?
It's already begun.

If you have any other questions, just let me know.

!challenge, !mod post

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