Vidder: fcbarcelona
Musical Artist: Manel - Torna La Gent Normal
Pairing: gen (Barcelona-centric)
Vidder on LJ: n/a
Vidder's website:
fcbarcelona on YouTube (combination of news reports, press conferences and music videos)
Why this vid kicks ass: I'm not entirely certain this qualifies as a "fanvid"--it was made as a promotional video by the television channel associated with FC Barcelona. (Yes, they have their own television channel. Yes, that's ridiculous. But awesome.) But if you watch it, it's a fanvid; it just happens to have been made by someone with access to otherwise unavailable video footage. And it's such a wonderful vid about the sense of family at Barcelona, starting with some truly amazing footage (that no one else would be able to get, so yay BarcaTV!) of the players as kids at their academy. Everything I love about FC Barcelona, packaged into four minutes with a fantastic soundtrack. Watch it.
torna la gent normal