Title: To All Of Time And Space by
luxoverPairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
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Ao3Why this must be read:
When I first found out that I was going to be driving the Van this month, I immediately knew what I was going to rec for Collision Day. I've seriously been waiting for this, and despite my computer's best attempts to melt down earlier this week, I knew I had to have things back up and running for this.
There have been a ton of fics based around the premise of what would happen if Mike got fired, and I have to say, this is one of my favorites. The characterization is absolutely incredible; if you don't watch Doctor Who, don't worry - you'll still be able to understand it. If you do watch, though, it's that much better.
Now, if only there was a way to get Aaron Korsh and Stephen Moffat to work together to make this happen....
He goes to a bar in Williamsburg that night because the only other thing he can think of to do is to smoke up, and he already broke that promise once. It's a dive, dark and run down, and he drinks his beer alone because he has no friends outside of work, and now he doesn't even have that anymore. But it's okay, Mike thinks, because a clean break is better than the alternative; less heartache down the road, he tells himself.
He’s not drunk when heads out to walk home, but he kind of wishes he was. A lanky man in a tweed suit falls into step beside him and he looks up at the stars as they walk; he's young and wearing a bowtie, and Mike thinks he looks impossibly sad.
The man glances at Mike for a second and then says, "The way I see it, life is a pile of good things and bad things, and you look like you are in need of some very good things."
"Something like that," Mike says. He doesn’t know how to say that he’s already used up all his good things, and so instead he says, “What about you?”
“I don’t know,” the man says. “Kick about for long enough and it becomes hard to keep track.”
Mike doesn't know what that means and so he just shrugs, and then the man shrugs, and something in the set of his shoulders makes Mike think that maybe he lost something, too.
"Mike Ross," Mike says, and he raises his hand in an aborted wave.
"The Doctor," the man says.
Mike doesn't ask, Doctor who? because he doesn't really care. Instead, he says, "Cool bowtie."
The Doctor smiles, and it changes his face.
"You know what else is cool, Mike Ross?" he asks. "The universe-all of time and space, every star that ever was and ever will be-is very, verycool."
To All Of Time And Space (
also on LJ)