Saturday - Blast from the Past

May 31, 2008 20:03

Again, a little something for everyone. Special thanks to leighm and dreamlittleyo for their help tonight! <3

tactile kinesthetic
moveablehistory | R | Fightclub crossover
Sam and Dean fight dirty.
There's nothing quite like the boys fighting and getting dirty, especially against one another. So much underlying emotion.

Like The Rifle
insomnia-geek | PG | Crack.
Winchesters versus curses. It's amazing what the human brain can get used to, given enough time or exposure.
This story is short and hilarious, brilliantly tongue-in-cheek. There are plenty of lines to set you off snickering, and bonus points for Bobby love. Sam and Dean deal with a lot of curses, but this one's new.

Enough For Me
audrarose | NC-17 | Good ol' fluff.
Jensen really should go home.
Slow, sensual, satisfying in the fact that they can't get enough of each other.

Java Chat
girlguidejones | G | Sarah/Sam, John, Dean
John and Sarah have an early morning talk.
Part of the Salvationverse, which I have only recently found, these stories own my soul! John, having a heart to heart with his daughter-in-law, and so much incredible exposition on the boys. Do yourself a favor, and if you haven't, read them all!

crack_impala is recruiting! Find out more here!

blast from the past

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