Wednesday - Sam/Dean rated G-R

May 13, 2009 21:33

Title of Ownership
colddustgirl | R | brief knife-play, dark!Sam
Dean belongs to Sam.
Dark and chilling but in all the good ways.

sittin back
arabella_hope | G | old(er) Sam/Dean
Wednesdays rule.
Lovely and warm and BEAUTIFULLY written. This is one that will leave you smiling and content.

Your Skull Inside A Hole
sirryluv | R | sort of coda to 4x21
Here in this hole that we fixed, we get further and further and further for what we must do.
Beautiful words that show the inevitability of a pair we all know so well. Breathtaking.

We Sang Dirges in the Dark
apreludetoanend | PG-13
Quoth Uriel: "Ask Dean what he remembers from Hell."
There's so much going on within each word. Their chemistry intense as hell.

the grave has but delayed them
tigriswolf | PG-13 | AU, future!fic
The choice was made from the beginning.
Dark and chilling. But more than anything, so much love throughout.

sam/dean rated g-r

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