Teach Your Childrenlapillus | PG | Teach Your Children by Crosby Stills Nash and Young
"Teach your children well / feed them on your dreams." From the "All in the Family" vidshow at VividCon 2009.
Intense and lovely. Explores the tension between heartwarming and painful in the Winchester family in all the lessons they've taught each other/learned together.
Wouldn't It Be Nicefatedcinderella | Spoilers for S4 Gag Reel | Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys
"Honestly, it is what it is. There isn't much to it. But it is like 98% "It's a Terrible Life"
Catchy and adorable and well done. I really enjoyed the look of this, almost sepia-toned, to give it the right feel to go with the song.
Art for 'The Texas Resistance'artistic-sillie | PG13 | Digital + pencil sketch
Big bang art for the
The Texas Resistance by
So gorgeous! I especially love Jared's hair and I can't get over how much Jeff looks like JEFF.
Pygmalion and Galateadark-reaction | PG13 | Sketch
Sam carving Dean out of the marble to bring him back from hell.
Freaking gorgeous!
Wallpapersnuarity | PG | Mixed digital art
Two wallpapers of Dean and Castiel
Lush textures and bold coloring. Completely breathtaking.
Icon War : Supernatural : Awakencordy vs Thelakeawakencordy and
thelake | G
87 supernatural icons from various seasons.
Varied and beautiful - two icon makers contributing their distinctive skills and styles, and they've created such a lovely array of icons. These are wonderfully crafted.
SPN - "In My Time of Dying" iconslere849 episode icons from IMToD
Gorgeous. These icons are excellently constructed--bright with beautiful contrasts, and terrific use of text. Lovely stuff.
#020 / moodtheme: television (SPN season four)all_at_once | S4 Spoilers | Moodtheme
132 images, 115x80, SPN season 4 moodtheme
An excellent variety of images and moods, and well executed to boot.