I Will Love Youdean_jensengirl | PG | Mild Wincest.
A semi-episodic vid for "All Hell Breaks Loose". Pretty much just showcases Dean's love for Sam & how he would do anything for him.
This video is beautifully simplistic, but incredibly heartfelt. The lyrics of the song match the clips perfectly and you can feel Dean's love pouring off the screen. You might want to grab a box of tissues before you click on the link.
Destinyfreedam | Spoilers through Season 2.
This video is action packed and intense. The quick cuts really add to the anger and frustration of the video. It's basically the Winchesters doing what they're meant to do - kick ass.
Colored Pencil Graphicsapieceofcake | Graphic Art.
I'm not sure it's even possible for these boys to get any more gorgeous, but the effects on these graphics make them even that much more so. The colored pencil look really highlights their features and the vibrant coloring is beautiful.
2008 Dean and Sam Calendarjadetate | Graphic Art.
A simple, fan-made, calendar for 2008 cause the fandom needs one.
Because it's never too soon to start planning ahead, a calendar of our favorite boys for 2008. Love the images used and the details on the days. Although, I'm not sure how much planning you'll get done with these pictures staring back at you.
Highway 357slash_iirima | G | Made for
Sam and Dean investigate a number of disappearances on Nevada's Highway 357.
This piece is just a lot of fun, and the tone just screams Winchester humor. You know they'd have a lot of fun with those aliens!
Jared and Jensen Iconsfaded_icons | Multifandom.
A great collection of icons with lots of creative text and textures, not to mention beautiful coloring.
Jensen Ackles Iconsspygurl121 | Multifandom.
A wide variety of bright icons of Jensen with great cropping and clean lines. I really love the blue overtone on these.
SPN Iconslellie_mo | Multifandom.
These icons are fantastic. The use of multiple layers and brushes make these icons fun and unique.