The unOfficial Final Fantasy VII Kink Meme!
OFFICIAL COMPLAINT POST This kink meme contains all version of FF 7.
Original Game
Advent Children
Dirge of Cerberus
Here's how it works.
Post an ANONYMOUSE request. You can request a single character, a pairing, a threesome, or more. IT doesn't matter.
This isn't a pairing meme. For a guide to kinkage, please refer to this post
STAY ANONYMOUSE! Please, to un-anon, post Here You are free to do whatever you want with your own fics/art. Post them on jupiter, if you so wish!
Read it, try to fill requests, too. If you don't? This meme will die.
Any and all requests without a kink will be removed.
Asshattery will be removed.
Shipwar bullshit will be removed.
Flaming will be removed.
If you don't like it? Don't read it.
Have fun kittuns!
Please to be pimping this out!
*Kink Meme Master List here