Nothing But Distance and Skyline, by BrynnMcK (R)

Mar 29, 2010 01:42

Pairing: Billy/Joe
Length: around 2,000 words
Author on LJ: brynnmck
Author Website: web site
Why this must be read: because sometimes there is a point in which the universe holds it breathe, caught at a crossroad. The moment is full of potential - the potential to continue downward into a painful, bloody trainwreck strewn with body parts or to turn left and forge a new path into the light.

This is Billy and Joe, though. It can't end well, no matter how much we'd like things to be different. Brynn shows us their choices, and drags us along to watch as Billy and Joe teeter on that knife's edge...

But the band's been getting more gigs lately, bigger venues, more fans, more questions, and Billy… Billy's shifting under the lights, somehow, brighter and sharper, so that sometimes Joe catches him out of the corner of his eye and doesn't really know what he's seeing. And the more that happens, the more Joe wants to mark off the space he's always thought of as his, with his arm around Billy's shoulders or his mouth around Billy's cock or the span of a shitty car on a deserted highway. There's a kind of panic simmering in his stomach all the time now, panic that the day is gonna come that he's gonna push and Billy'll just be gone, no pressure back against him, and Joe's gonna end up in free-fall, nosedive, right down into empty space.

Nothing But Distance and Skyline

hard core logo, fanfic

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