Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Length: 3354 words
Author on LJ:
abriataWhy this must be read: One of the recent one. From a tumblr challenge for "Letter", it's very sweet and with a good Eduardo POV.
Back at Harvard, Mark was always unsurprisingly difficult to get ahold of. Notes left around the suite got ignored: he either assumed they were for Chris or Dustin and didn't read them or he read them and ignored them anyway; Eduardo always bet it was the latter. You couldn't send him reminders directly, either. He never answered phone calls and he wasn't reliable about answering text messages - probably because he almost never had his phone on him, anyway, and if he didn't it was only charged about half the time. He was almost equally bad about answering his emails. He'd get to them in ten, twenty minutes if he was at his laptop and not busy; but when was Mark ever at his computer and not busy? When he was coding, he ignored everything, including his emails. He'd get to them right away as soon as he was done, even before getting food or passing out and definitely before checking his phone, but when he'd code for days at a time, it wasn't always possible to wait the twelve, fifteen, eighteen hours that would pass before he'd answer his email.
Eduardo had discovered one day, almost completely on accident, that he would answer messages left on a USB drive.
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