"Let's Do 'Run, Joey, Run'"

May 11, 2011 11:13

Or, the one in which I fucking ship Sam/Mercedes like it's my job. And yeah, some other majorly awesome shit went down.

Overall impression for the episode: I loved it. I think the pacing was off like it was last week and I think they underdeveloped some important storylines for the sake of cramming more things in, but emotionally it was very satisfying (and for an Ian episode, the assholery was fairly well contained to a few characters!).

Starting with the issues:

1) Finn Hudson: I've said it before and I'll say it again- it is impossible for Finn to be a decent person unless Kurt is around. I can't even begin with what he did to Quinn in this episode. First, his douchey comments to Rachel about how Quinn is taking away his dignity? Fuck that fucking shit. TALK TO QUINN IF YOU ARE UNHAPPY. DON'T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE FOR SHITTY BEHAVIOR WITH YOUR EX.

Second, EVERYONE ON THE FUCKING PLANET KNEW HOW IMPORTANT THAT NIGHT WAS TO QUINN. IDC if he didn't feel the same way, if he gave one little bit of a fuck about her, he would have gotten over himself and paid attention to her. Ugh. I can't even with this douche. GTFO until you can be the decent human being you are capable of, Finn.

2) As much as I loved Brittany taking time for herself and not falling to her knees at Artie's serenade (and I really, really loved Britt in this episode. A lot.), it is kind of weird how she was completely cast as the wronged party. What Artie said was awful and he needed to apologize, but way to completely ignore the whole bit where she cheated on him. Yes, I have Artie issues and viscerally found it satisfying for him to finally face consequences for his sexism and creepy paternalism, but the show didn't play it out that way or in any way resolve Brittany's supposed emotional conflict between Artie and Santana. Instead, it just tried to make Artie a woobie. And I ain't buying that just yet.

3) Pointless Sue plot is pointless. Shoehorned, unmotivated, and dull. Again.

4) Karofsky: This is a little complicated because I was actually happy with his development as it is contained in this episode. I loved that we see him FINALLY showing regret specifically for his treatment of Kurt. I loved that he didn't have this grand epiphany moment at the end of the episode. That would have felt cheap to me.

That said, I couldn't help but feel like there was a concerted effort throughout the episode to undo the seriousness of what Karofsky did to Kurt. I'll admit, I saw this coming- what was the Super Bowl episode but a giant red flag that Karofsky was going to get a pass eventually? But, having Burt say that there are worse people that "that kid Karofsky," Kurt's complete comfort with him, even the introduction of Blaine's backstory felt a little bit like they were trying to make what he did seem less harmful than they had originally made it.

I have been on board for "redemption" since the beginning, but I really don't like that it has been rushed through at the price of diminishing Kurt's experience.

5) Jesse: (Sorry, Shauna, darling. I tried! I really, really did!) NGL, Tumblr had stockholmed me into excitement about his return. I loved Rolling in the Deep and he had some hilariously douchey lines (and J. Groff revels in it in a delightful way).

But all this episode really did is remind me why I didn't like the character very much. I was expecting sincerity with regards to Rachel, but I never really felt it, even in his apology. He's completely flailing and using Rachel as a touchstone and she is falling for it completely. That makes me super uncomfortable. And, looking to the previews, I don't really expect it to get much better.

Also, my defensive streak has apparently extended totally and completely to include Sam because I wanted to smack Jesse for raining on poor Sam's excitement about his bolo tie. Yes, he was right- it is ridiculous and outdated, but HE WAS SO EXCITED ABOUT IT! ;_______;

I think that's about it for the issues. On to the love. Changdar report- another Mike light episode, but he had some darling moments.

6) Excited faces and looks at Tina in the choir room scene when prom is mentioned.

7) Mike and the cheese grater. ADORBS.

8) Mike/Tina/Brittany during Friday. FLAWLESS.

9) Making out on the dance floor during Jar of Hearts. I just wish they had put in a running gag them making out in the background and having the chaperones come up and break them apart again and again.

10) His epic reaction faces to the PQ announcement. I love how he and Tina were so concerned for Kurt. ;__;

11) I love how they had the "classic prom photo" pose. Mike's serious face when they were taking the picture. ILU, bb.

And the rest:

12) KURT AND BLAINE, I WILL LOVE YOU TWO FOREVER. God, these two hurt and warm my heart so much. I don't even know what to say. The Blaine backstory is not what I was expecting, but oh how my heart aches for him. I found Kurt's optimism heartbreaking (considering we all pretty much knew what was coming), but the way these two came together for each other was genuinely amazing.

Blaine and Burt. Blaine running after Kurt and being there for him, but not pushing him and letting him work through his feelings. The fucking look on his face when Kurt tells him they are going back in there. OMG.

I can't even break it down. I just loved ALL OF IT.


13) Big ups to my boy, Noah Puckerman. I love his character growth. When JBI made the neutering comment, I braced myself for Puck/Lauren drama. And then it didn't happen. Puck decided to do something to earn his rep back. BUT DIDN'T THINK TWICE ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH LAUREN. So much love for that, I can't even say.

14) SAM/MERCEDES FTW: I ship. I ship it hard. I loved Mercedes' storyline (if it really qualifies as one). It wasn't a reversal of character for her to feel loneliness creeping in around prom and want to have that experience. I loved that Sam gave her that. I loved her comforting him at Breadstix. I loved their geeky dancing together- they were just so HAPPY, where they had both been so reluctant about prom.


I just think they could do something beautiful with these two (but I'm not sure they will, alas).

15) Santana Lopez: My heart bleeds for this girl. I will live with you in the lesbian compound, bb.

16) BAMF!Brittany: Please let this be a sign that we are leaving behind little girl!Brittany and can have charmingly clueless, yet oddly insightful!Brittany instead.

ALSO, IMFL that she danced with a girl during Jar of Hearts.

17) Rachel Berry: This back and forth between pining over Finn and acting like she's over him is tiring and I don't like that Jesse's presence seems to be the reason for it this time, but she was still so charming in this episode (although LOL at her asking Finn to respect her relationship with Jesse the way she has his with Quinn's).

I love the Prom proposal scene with Sam (although the fact that Sam's birthday was last week... twist the knife for this boy, guys) and her fawning over Jesse's ridiculousness was amusing (though again a little frustrating ultimately). Her scene with Quinn was lovely (although I still wish we didn't have to have the slap). I hope they can actually build a friendship for these two.

18) Dancing Queen: I loved all the musical numbers, but I really loved this one, the way it was edited, all the little moments, the group all coming together. Perfection.

19) QUINNDEPENDENCE, FINALLY! Oh, Quinn. You are so much more than a pretty face. Please tell me we are going to see you understand that from now on. And please stay single for a while. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

20) Another note on Karofsky: As wary as I am about the dismissal of his actions and the rapid turn around, I do really, really like how Karofsky seems to have taken sincerely to the Bully Whips. Like, he is so obviously projecting his own guilt for what he did into a hyper-vigilance about Kurt. I think a lot of people are reading this as him having deep feelings for Kurt and it's possible (I certainly think he is fixated enough that he probably does have some feelings about him, even if they are probably as romanticized as Kurt's crushes on Finn and Blaine at the beginning were), but I really read that scene as him coming to terms with having been a person he didn't want to be. Tying back in to the things his dad has said about him, he was finally the image of the scared little boy they started off with in NBK before they ramped up the creep factor of his bullying.

I'm not 100% comfortable with it, but it I like it as an independent character move.

21) There were so many little moments in the episode that I can't even name. But I kind of want Eric Stoltz to direct Glee forever.

There is probably a ton I'm leaving out, but as usual, this is getting long and I should probably move on. Promo:

22) Jesse St. Sucks: ILU, Kurt. I smell Jesse playing favorites, perhaps?

23) Santana solo!



Okay, off to watch just one more time. Thoughts?

glee, spoilers, episode reaction

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