5 mood theme updates

Jul 01, 2006 01:19

I was trying to stop my bandwidth from exceeding by not posting this week, and it worked! Huzzah! Here are the ones I've finished in the past few days. All of them are updates, I just edited the original posts instead of reposting them all. The BSG ones were updated to include season 2.5 caps, and the Firefly ones were completely redone. Previews ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

2cbetter July 1 2006, 05:48:19 UTC
I took the general, Mal/Inara, and Simon/Kaylee mood themes and you'll be credited when they're used! Thanks!


cleanbree July 1 2006, 06:15:15 UTC
Using the general Firefly mood theme. I have credited. :) Thanks!



katrina_splat July 1 2006, 07:24:01 UTC
wow how kewl :)

i've memoried the post, shall credit when i use it.


overthemoo July 1 2006, 15:52:53 UTC
Ahh, so pretty. I wish I could mesh together all three of the Firefly. Oh wells, taking the general :) Thanks!!


theendless July 11 2006, 07:50:53 UTC
I took general firefly and simon/kaylee. I will definitely credit. Thanks!


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