Doctor Who - Rose Tyler

Jul 10, 2006 15:53

Oh, Rose. Caps from and _jems_. There are spoilers in this up to and including the series 2 finale.

This also serves as a filled request for antisocial47, and because the request included borders, there's another version of the mood theme with 1px black borders here.

Rose Tyler

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requests, doctor who

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Comments 71

claret1701 July 11 2006, 12:49:21 UTC
This mood theme is so cool, downloaded thank you:)


earth_defender July 11 2006, 15:24:41 UTC
*yay* Thanks. Snagging and will credit.


sugar_noor July 11 2006, 19:43:01 UTC
I'm downloading for later use, and of course I will credit you if and when I use this mood theme.


justtracy July 12 2006, 15:09:01 UTC
Snagging the Rose one. I've never used a mood theme like this before so I've no idea how to actually set it up. I figure it out I will credit, of course.


disparatum July 13 2006, 15:57:29 UTC
downloading for later use


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