EVERYONE in this community needs to head over to this
IMPORTANT DISCUSSION POST that was posted a while back. Seriously. EVERYONE. Even those who don't play often--if you know of someone who hasn't come around in a while, THEIR OPINIONS ARE NEEDED TOO, so drag them over here, or get their opinion and write it down in a comment for them, or something. If you've voiced your thoughts in the chat, it would be nice if you could comment on that post anyway so everyone can see them, and so that all the info can be in one place. Input is needed from the entire community so that some decision can be made about this instead of it being swept under the rug, because this issue has come up YET AGAIN and there is, by this community's current standards, NO WAY TO DEAL WITH IT. So everyone's opinion is needed, and then a DECISION NEEDS TO BE MADE. Majority rules, y/n/cheez?
Capslocking for the fail, but seriously guys, this is an issue and SOMETHING needs to be decided.