How to make a mermaid tail - The Cutting (and Colour Disaster)

Aug 27, 2012 14:48

Alright. I was a bit scared of the cutting part. The neoprene was so damn expensive and one little mistake would ruin it all. But I got the right measurements in the end and it turned out the way I wanted it.

First thing I did was lying flat on my back with the monofin on. My sweetie painted with a piece of fabric chalk the contour of my body on the neoprene. Then we made seven marks on my legs and neoprene like feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, hip and waist. The rest are just measurements and bringing it on your neoprene.

In the end it looked like this:

Then I cut it. The most exciting part. In the end I pinned the neoprene together and carefully slipped into in to see if my measurements were good. It even turned out to be nearly perfect. Before I used the acrylic latex on the fabric I wanted to run some test with the netting and the colours. The scale effect looked really great and the netting was easy to handle. Even the colour looked great as you can see on the following photo:

I waited long enough to let it dry. Then I used a bit of silicone spray and put it all in the water. Here's what happened afterward:

The colour got bubbles and peeled of. I was desperate. I tried different mixtures with the acrylic latex and the colour. I tried it with silicone spray and without. But whatever I tried - the colour won't stay on the scales. So I called the brand who created the caulk. The lady on the phone was really an expert and I was impressed of her knowledge. She told me, that not the colour is the problem - it's the caulk! The caulk is water-based which means, that it will get thick like rubber when dry but as soon as it gets contact with water it'll absorb it and change its surface. Which means even waterproof colours won't stick on it. So I had bought 30 cartridges for nothing (which I now try to sell on ebay!)!!!

After the first shock and waves of tears, Sabina and I came up with another idea: cutting out little scales and sewing them on the neoprene. The colour test worked perfectly fine and stayed on the fabric as the lady on the phone had promised me.

After I covered 1/3 of the fabric with little neoprene scales I realised that I would need more neoprene to finish this project. A LOT more. It turned out to be that much, that it would have cost me another 150-200€!!! Something I couldn't AND wouldn't afford. The second backlash! I cried my eyes out and was heartbroken. Sabina tried to calm me down and to help me, but I was fed up to the back teeth and put everything away. In my desperation I wrote to my mermaid sister Kariel and here's what she wrote back (immediately!!!):

Awe gun I'm so sorry that you are having troubles. I went through the learning curve too. It's also hard to get brands of product here in Hawaii.

The good news is that I am working on a method of tail making with my scale designs that Might be affordable. I will happily ship to you. If you can hang in there a few month I can make you a very special tail.

You do not bore me at all. These tails do take a lot of time and if you think your idea of putting individual Scalia will work than just go for it. Do a little every day and before you know it your master price will be done.

As for that paint I have not heard of it. Try screen printing ink:-))

Aloha and love an thanks for keeping me up dated.

Mermaid Kariel

Isn't that sweet of her???

So I looked through web pages to get inspirations for scale designs. And I'll use the day to experiment with colours and scales on a few left over pieces of neoprene. Keep your fingers crossed that this time everything turns out without problems. I can't handle another backlash. Keep your fingers crossed...

GO ME!!!

<°)))>< <°)))>< <°)))><

Link list of recent entries:

- The Monofin
- The Fabric
- The Supplies
Für meine deutschen Leser (for the German followers)
Ich bitte Euch: LASST DIE FINGER VON HDD Acryl!!! Das Zeug ist wirklich genial und leicht zu händeln bei der Herstellung der Schuppen, ABER wie Ihr gesehen habt, bleibt die Farbe nicht darauf haften. Das Acryl ist auf Wasserbasis, welches beim Aushärten verdunstet. Dadurch bekommt es eine tolle elastische Oberfläche und das Schuppenmuster sieht toll aus. Aber sobald das Acryl Kontakt mit Wasser bekommt, holt es sich die Feuchtigkeit zurück und lässt die Farbe Blasen schlagen und abblättern!!! Da nützt auch keine wasserdichte Farbe!!! Also entweder Ihr investiert viel Geld in das amerikanische Dichtungsmittel ALEX Plus, welches eine Kombination aus Acrylic Latex + Silikon enthält und von Tailmakern benutzt wird, oder Ihr macht es wie ich und findet eine ALternative. Welche??? Die Auflösung gibt's im nächsten Eintrag!
P.S.: Übermalbares Silikon wäre auch noch eine Möglichkeit. Ebenfalls in Amerika aerhältlich und heißt "Dragonskin". Diese Art von Silikon wird vor allem in der Maskenbildnerei benutzt.

Next time on crafty_nerhegeb: finding a solution!

! sewing, costume: mermaid tail

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