Sewing mishap, part 2.

Oct 18, 2008 19:26

I've been asked to post pictures of what I was working on and unfortunately my digicam wasn't available. Being resourceful, I found an old low-quality webcam to try and show what exactly has been going on.

1. The failed circle skirt. It's been unhemmed, seamripped, washed, and ironed.
2. Black broadcloth that will be somehow used to help. Probably.
3. Rectangle skirt at about 75% done. The lower edge is hemmed, it just needs gathered, waist band, and elastic. (This WAS completed, but I realized I had cut the waistband too long and it was bunching too much.)
4. Waistband, corrected and all set to go for take 2.
5. Pansy print scraps. Five pieces of various sizes, but nothing significant.
6. Nothing to see here, move along.

The picture on the right shows the overall print of the fabric, but NOT the colors. This camera really washes out colors.

Actually, I kind of lied a little. Number 6 is actually another fabric that I plan to make a JSK out of, plus (hopefully) a rectangle skirt. It's pretty.

The can is provided for reference about the size of the flowers. The background is a nice muted petal pink with a white or ivory stripe. Again, the cheap camera washes out colors.

Hopefully I can get a little more help now that my fellow seamsters know how little fabric I have that matches the former miniskirt. Also, I'd like to ask for opinions on the other fabric.


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