Just Figured I would update my lj. IU talked to Shialeen last nite. I also played Final Fantasy 7 for the 200th time. I love that game. I need to get more sleep. The new slipknot video kicks ass I saw it like 30 times now. My pal Matt is sore from the Dark LoTus show he went to last nite. I want to get Final Fantasy origins really bad. Well
Waz up to all my friends out there? Me im doin better now I am till a lil stressed but doin better. So just figured I would put something new so you people can read some new stuff. talk to you all lata.
ya this is going to be a short one becuz I spraned my finger and it is really hard to type. So ya I just figured this out I want to be sigle for longer than usualits ust to much goin on right now that I have no time now. well g2g and sorry this is a bitchy journa entry.