Title: -
Paring: Perry/Youngbae
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Perry comes back to Korea after taking a long break from his job - and from Youngbae.
A/N: A continuation of my
Perry/Youngbae series, which hasn't been updated in forever.
Those dramatic moments in movies where two people's eyes meet and everything slows down around them? Youngbae would've called them an exaggeration until... )
Comments 16
i remember this. the sole reason that got me hooked on Perry/Youngbae (and everything from you, basically) in the first place. i thought i'd never see this verse again but then it popped out of nowhere asfqk
u broke them up T_T but i can see it's the only sensible turnout for this seems-neverending series. funny how i used to freak out over this pairing lol. it's all because of you and your crazy pairings.
nonetheless, this is ♥ as always.
p/s: idk how's your preferences on het pairing, but i really crave to see some sort of verse/snips for TOP&Lee Misook ./points icon
they are such a sexy pair, don't u think? :DD
TOP and Misook are pretty sexy together, yes. :D I think I'd have to read a loooot more about Misook before I feel comfortable writing her, though.
I won't lie, I've been stalking you LJ on the hopes that something would pop up and today must be my lucky day cause something did. AND IT WAS THE PERRY/YB FIC THAT I'VE REREAD A 1000 TIMES.
This bit was sooo good, like how awkward YB was and everything was explained through these short little snippets and OMG, I'm going crazy. You're such an amazing writer. And I felt so bad for YB reading this but I couldn't be mad at Perry too, and this was sooo good.
lol, my review is an incoherent mess but I adore your stories. Thanks for updating and posting.
Thank you! <33
YOu have no idea on how I kept checking back to your page, hoping there would an update! I've been hoping for an update...for so long! This is amazing! && the best part is that you updated the Perry/YB fic..my favorite after the GDYB Hott Issue.
I mean, I waited till the point where I reread everytihng you wrote twice. Seriously.
But you broke Perry & Bae up! Waeyo? I loved the awkward reunion though. Poor Bae's just a mess isn't he? Apparently the boy looks like he's going to hurl his last meal according to Perry. I'm totally spazzing and it's all good. This was such a good update. THANK YOU!
...so does this mean we can expect more updates now?
thansk for sharing. i love you. (sorry if this is a total rant and a bit creepy)
Ahhhh.. but this is such a goof update.. excitedly waiting for the next one
thank you thank you..
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