Title: Winning Gong Minji's Heart In Five Twelve Many Easy Steps Pairing: CL/Minji Rating: PG A/N: Written in response to phonebook's kpopvalentines prompt: "if we can land a man on the moon, surely i can win your heart".
Loved how Minzy was running circles around CL, this is such a change from what I thought it would be and I am ecstatic at the 21x21 pairing since I see it so rarely in the fics.
"Hidden under the layers of paper is the scarf Minji was working on, now finished. One end of it abruptly goes from dull greens and browns to Chaerin's favorite, violent shade of blue. It looks ridiculous and Chaerin can't stop grinning." this part is so freaking adorable, oh Minzy you tried to be badass but in the end you just a big ball of mush
I follow it and contribute from time to time but its not THAT active. Plus most of the writers I know from ygl I usually just read over there, but like in bigbang fandom there are some pairings that get the most love so I like the livejournal for a bit more diversity though things are getting better lately
I keep posting extremely late comments on your fic, but I just had to thank you for writing this pairing--at all, and then so well! Agh, I've just been dying for some good 2NE1 fic. You nailed their characters so well and that's really refreshing to see. I adore how determined CL is the whole time, even despite all the roadblocks; she just won't be satisfied until she gives it her best shot, and that's perfect for her.
Comments 8
"Hidden under the layers of paper is the scarf Minji was working on, now finished. One end of it abruptly goes from dull greens and browns to Chaerin's favorite, violent shade of blue. It looks ridiculous and Chaerin can't stop grinning." this part is so freaking adorable, oh Minzy you tried to be badass but in the end you just a big ball of mush
...Okay, I've calmed down now xD
This was just adorable. I laughed so hard at the gym scene xD
Thanks for this, it's adorable.
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