Title: Tempo's Very Special Week
Rating: PG
Pairing: Tempo/?
Notes: Well, here's the last one. 8D Hope you guys enjoyed it. <3
Tempo crept along the wall slowly, leaning down whenever he walked past a door. He didn't want to get jumped on today. It seemed like his week kept getting more and more absurd. Who would it be this time? Bo Hyung? Lexy? The other Coco? Or worse... Sean? He shuddered at the thought.
He was trying to forget the frightening mental images of Sean looming toward him, beady eyes glinting and lips puckered, when he walked smack into someone who squeaked in surprise.
Dae Sung. Of course. Tempo had been waiting for this all week. He'd even had a bit of a scare this morning - Coco had suddenly uncurled herself, licked her shoulder and walked away from him nonchalantly as if nothing had happened between them. But that wasn't the scary part (Tempo had, in fact, felt a bit sad). The scary part was that Dae Sung had rolled into the warm spot left by Coco, flinging an arm over him. Tempo had waited, tense and motionless and listening to Dae Sung's sleepy Doraemon-related mumbles, but the other boy hadn't even woken up or dry-humped him. So Tempo had gone back to sleep, thinking he was safe.
But no. Dae Sung obviously had been waiting for a good moment to molest him, like all the others.
Tempo put his mental flailing on hold when he realized that Dae Sung was talking to him. "Huh?"
Dae Sung cocked his head to the side. "Are you okay? You look weird."
"I'mfine," Tempo replied, backing away.
Dae Sung frowned and followed, reaching up to put a hand on his forehead. "Are you sure?"
Tempo performed an impressive full-body cringe, waiting for Dae Sung to touch his forehead and then get carried away and try to have mad studio-wall-sex with him. After a few seconds, he cracked one eye open. Dae Sung was watching him curiously. "... Aren't you going to hit on me?"
Dae Sung blinked. "What? ... But I'm straight."
Tempo stared, trying to compute that.
Dae Sung... straight.
He could take being hit on by his boss and even a cat falling in love with him, but Dae Sung? Straight?
He ran away, yelling incoherently, arms flailing over his head.
... Kidding. XD