I like them... a lot.. do i have a problem.. someone asked me what dtrugs i have done... now i might have done.. Weed, Mushrooms, Acid, Special K, Coke, Ecstacy....
might have... is that a lot.. if i did do it.. is my brain full of holes..? who knows.. i like to hallucinate... peace..
to make a long story really short... i was locked up on fri. night 11 pm to sun night 11 30pm... YES 48 and a half hours in central bookings.... if u want more info post and i will call u.. funny storys of smokin ciggs and shit in the holding cells... yea it sucked... PEACe
So yea i will be home fri. night and i will be home for good for at least the next 6 mnths... If anyone wants to chill call me and give me a time and place and lets do it
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Well they told me i could either withdraw or go through the suspesnion process at school.. i dont know what to do anymore... i dont know what anything is anymore... i am so lost.. and i lost somthing more important to me... i always end up losing the important things