Definitely went to the Drive-In last night w/ Cera &Hannah &met up w/ everyone that matters. It was a lot of fun -some lame point brought to you by a lameass who shall remain nameless.
Me &Cera went to Taco Hut before.
Hammy &Jamie.. &his scabby elbow.
Jeramy is mean when he flips me off man.
Eric, Jeramy, &me are cool.
Hannah &Jeramy are straight up gangstuhs.
Yeh Jamie just looks weird.
Thomas kept throwing Starbursts at Me &Hammy.
Hannah &Tony.. he leaves for the marines or army or w/e soon.
Tim ended up coming too.
Obviously Cera's hawt
I think Jeramy should grow is hurr out &dye it blonde
&Then pursue his pole dancing career.
I mean he's already got the crotch for it
Jeramy again
Haha, we got some food &he bought beef jerky &we kept beating people w/ his meat.